
(Ooja) #1

toilets. And none of those Europeastyle, charming, and at times very much
appreciated, freestanding structures on street corners.
In the days when I made sales calls around the busy city of New York,
this presented a problem. Several times a day. I often found myself at the
mercy of coffee-shop cashiers who jealously guarded their restroom
facilities. Some shops even put menacingly scribbled signs in the window,
Bathrooms are for customers only.
I often found that if I played it straightgoing up to the cashier and
asking if I could use the amenitiesId get shot down. So I used the following
technique. Without casting a glance at the cashier, Id strut confidently into
the coffee shop. Id march right past the bathroom bouncer and keep my
gaze fixed on one of the booths. Shed assume I was coming for lunch or
had simply
returned to collect my forgotten gloves. Once past the gatekeeper of the
loo, Id wait for her to be busy ringing up the next check. Then, like greased
lightning, Id sprint into the john.
I dubbed this deception The Ho-Hum Caper after my feigned attitude of
Ho hum, business as usual. I come here every day with nothing on my mind
but lunch.
Let us now translate that sneaky subterfuge into a seldofail phone
technique. You can use the maneuver to sneak around secretaries and dodge
their heartless screening. Instead of plaing it straight and asking for your
party by name, just say Is he in? or Is she in? Using the pronoun is verbally
sprinting past the secretary with a business as usual, Ho hum, I call every
day attitude.
Technique #68
The Ho-Hum Caper
Instead of using your partys name, casually let the pronoun he or she
roll off your tongue. Forget Uh, may I speak to Ms. Bigshot please? Just
announce, Hi, Bob Smith here, is she in? Tossing the familiar she off your
tongue signals to the secretary that you and her boss are old buddies.
How to Make Them Say You Have Super Sensitivity
Whenever youre on the phone with someone, you hear a lot more than
their voices. In the background you might hear dogs baring, babies crying,
or a crackling sound. For all you know, the dog has his tail caught in the
refrigerator, the baby has to be fed, or the house is on fire. When you

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