
(Ooja) #1

would have been unnecessary if she were recording the conversation with
the Instant Replay technique. She could have merely mentioned that she
was flipping on the recorder (most heavy hitters are comfortable with that
concept) and she would have had it on tape.
Fred was nice to Laura that day. But my friend never heard back from
him. And to this day, she wonders why. Shell never know the confused
phone exchange nixed the deal.
Was Fred being unfair just because Laura was a little slow on the
phone? Absolutely not. Fred figures, If this woman is as insenHow to
Listen Between the Lines on the Phone 261
sitive about my time at the beginning of a possible business reltionship,
whats she going to be like down the pike? Wise choice, Fred. I still like
Laura. Shes still my friend. But will I introduce her to any other big winners
who might help her? I cant take the chance.
How to Set Up Your Instant Replay
Instant Replay is simple and cheap. Go to your local electronics store
and ask for a recorder for your telephone. Slap it on your phone receiver,
and plug the other end into a cassette recorder. Then turn the recorder on
during your next important converstion. The device could earn you
hundreds of dollars on your first call. In some states the law requires you
inform the other party you are recording them. Make sure to check with the
authorities about the legality in the state where you live. If its one-party
cosent, dont worry. Youre the one party. Obviously you must never ever use
the tape for any other purpose than for your own second listening. Not only
would that be unlawful, but it would be uncoscionable. For extra security,
dont leave peoples taped converstions lying around. Keep the same tape in
your cassette machine and use it over and over to record important details.
With Instant Replay, you can catch balls your conversation partner
throws out on the first bounce. Youre on the phone with your boss. He
rambles off four or five names in a law firm youre supposed to write to,
then the address, then the nine-digit zip code. Realizing hes pitched you
some pretty fast balls, he asks, Shall I repeat that for you? No thanks, I got
it, you proudly say, silently tapping your little tape recorder. Boss is
Yet another benefit of Instant Replayit helps hide your ignorance.
Recently I was on the phone with a cameraman negtiating a price on a

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