
(Ooja) #1

people who see them are other early arrivals who are often heavy hitters
like themselves.
Nor will you find politicians prowling around, the last to slink out the
door. Once theyve accomplished what they set out to do, theyre on their
way to the next opportunity. If their agenda is more social, they try to leave
their departure time open and their aprŽs-party schedule free. That way, if
they make an important new contact, they can stay around and talk with
him. Or drive her home. Or go somewhere else for coffee.
How to Work a Party Like a Politician Works a Room 267
What Should I Take with Me?
A politicians checklist is not the usual, Lets see, my comb, cologne, and
breath mints. They pack more functional networing tools in their pockets or
If corporate cats will be prowling the party, they pack a pocetful of
business cards. If its a gala where people are gadding about on the social
ladder and they want to exude old-world elegance, they grab a handful of
social cards containing only their name and possibly an address and phone
number. (Some feel giving out a business card in a purely social setting can
be gauche.) The most vital tool in their party pack is a small pad and pen to
keep track of important contacts.
Why Is the Party Being Given?
The politicians perpetual philosophy of penetrate the ostensible enters
here. (Thats just a fancy way of saying look under the rug.) They ask
themselves, What is the ostensible reason for the party? A big industrialist
is giving his daughter a graduation party? A newly divorced executive is
throwing himself a birthday bash? A floundering business is celebrating its
tenth year?
Nice, politicians say to themselves, thats the ostensible. But whats the
real reason for the party? Maybe the industrialist wants to get his daughter a
good job so hes invited dozens of potential employers. The birthday boy is
single again so the guest list is heavy with attractive and accomplished
females. The business deperately needs good PR if its going to stay around
another ten years. So theyve invited the press and community makers and
Politicians have expert under-rug vision to spot the hosts real agenda.
They will, of course, never discuss it at the party. However, the insight

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