
(Ooja) #1

people. It never happens. Something mystical occurs when people take the
time to really look at each other. Everyone discovers a distinctive beauty in
one or two other people that is very personal, very special, and speaks
uniquely to the seeker.
The dearest friend in my life was a homely little fellow named Chip. He
was only 5 feet 2 inches tall. Chip had a huge nose and funny little eyes
peeping out through thick glasses. At a party, without using this technique, I
probably would never have noticed Chip. However, my concentration was
on him the day we met because he was giving a speech. When I gazed
intently into his eyes and watched his lips moving, I saw such subjective
beauty coming from his face. He became my best friend for twelve years
until a tragic disease took his life. Nevertheless, Chip remained beautiful to
me until the end because, no matter how twisted his body became with
illness, the beauty shone through his spirit.
As the seminar participants explore each others faces and movements,
they discover the subjective beauty in their faces, in their spirits. No one
can explain why one person chooses another as one of his or her special
four. Yet practically everyone returns from the break having made a new
good friend. Never is anyone left unchosen.
When you seek peoples special qualities by exploring their faces, you
will find them. If you want to walk out of any gatheing with your life
enhanced, spend time with people you choose, not just those who choose
you. Be choosey in who you pick. But dont wait to be the choosee.
Sure, in a Seminar, Its Easy, but What About Real Life?
Sometimes, after the break, a participant will say, It was simple to go up
to people I wanted to talk to this time because you gave it as an assignment.
But what about at a real party? Recently, one of my participants named
Todd asked me this question in front of the group.
I asked, Todd, how did you make the approach this time?
Well, I just went up and said, Hi, Im Todd. I wanted to talk to you.
Well? I asked.
Technique #73
Be the Chooser, Not the Choosee
The lifelong friend, the love of your life, or the business contact who
will transform your future may not be at the party. However, someday,
somewhere, he or she will be. Make every party a rehearsal for the big

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