
(Ooja) #1

Do not stand around waiting for the moment when that special person
approaches you. You make it happen by exploring every face in the room.
No more ships passing in the night. Capture whatever or whomever you
want in your life.
How to Meet the People YOU Want to Meet 277
It dawned on him that he could use this opening phrase to meet anyone
at any party. To smooth a potentially awkward moment, you quickly follow
up with an innocuous question like How do you know the hostess? or Do
you live in the area? Now, youre off and running just as though the host had
intrduced you.
Of course, other choosey people will be prowling around the party.
Some of them, after scrutinizing you, will decide you are one of the special
people they choose to talk to. The following is a subliminal maneuver to
make it easy for them come over to cofirm they made a wise choice.
How to Subliminally Lure People to You at a Gathering
Have you ever noticed how comfortable you feel sauntering into certain
rooms? The chairs are arranged in a way that welcomes you as if saying,
Come right on in and sit on me. Conversely, you enter other rooms where
you must navigate a circuitous route around tables and dressers before you
finally find a free chair.
Likewise, some people arrange their body furniture, their arms and legs,
to say, Hey, come right on over and talk to me. Yet other peoples body
furniture shouts, Keep out! Approach at your own risk. Shy people
inadvertently say stay away when they fold their arms. They give off
insecure signals by clutching a purse, clasping a drink, or smoking a
Controlled studies show that party goers are more comforable
approaching people who stand with an open body, arms uncrossed and
hanging at their sides, legs slightly separated, a slight smile on their faces.
Any object between you and the crowd is a subliminal cutoffeven your
purse. More people approach a woman who sports a shoulder bag than one
squeezing a handbag. The shoulder bag hangs behind her back, thus leaving
the path to talk to her open.
How to Subliminally Lure People to You at a Gathering 279
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