
(Ooja) #1

system to help him remember people. It wasnt until months later that I saw
the method to his madness.
One morning I went to my mailbox and found a personal postcard from
Joe. He told me he was running for state senator. Then at the bottom of the
card, hed written, Had any good Sancerre lately? That won my heart. Had I
lived in his state, a litle touch like that might have swayed my vote to him.
They may not jump up and down asking, How did you remember that?
Nevertheless, they will remember you. No matter how important the VIP,
he or she senses a special kinship
Technique #76
The Business Card Dossier
Right after youve talked to someone at a party, take out your pen. On
the back of his or her business card write notes to remind you of the
conversation: his favorite restaurant, sport, movie, or drink; whom she
admires, where she grew up, a high school honor; or maybe a joke he told.
In your next communication, toss off a reference to the favorite
restaurant, sport, movie, drink, hometown, high school honor. Or reprieve
the laugh over the great joke.
How to Amaze Them with What You Remember About Them 287
with the person who refers to other than their usual well-known
Politicians are constantly selling themselves. (If youve ever wondered
why America is called The Land of Promise, just keep your ears open in
election year.) But, of course, to know what to promise people, politicians
use the next super sales technique called Eyeball Selling.
How to Make the Sale with Your Eyeballs
The percentage of sales that Jimmi, a good friend of mine, makes is not
to be believed. Even his sales manager doesnt know how he does it. But I
do. Because he told me.
Jimmi says the fancy sales techniques hes learned over the years
(Benefits Selling, Partnering, Selling to Personality Types, Value-Added
Concept, Rejection Proofing, Spin Selling) all pale next to what he calls
Eyeball Selling.
Eyeball Selling is not memorizing two dozen closing tecniques. Nor is it
verbally sparring with a customer to overcome objections. Jimmi says its
quite simply keeping his eyes open, watching his customers reactions, and
adjusting his sales pitch according to how his customers body moves.

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