
(Ooja) #1

turn away, use the time-honored personal question ploy. Ask about their
favorite topic. George, how big did you say that bass you caught last week
was? Or use his name and ask a personal question. Thats always a grabber.
Archibald, what did you say the name of your high school football team
Weve talked about only a few responses. Hints for reading someones
body language could fill a book. In fact, they have many of them. I suggest
a few of my favorites in the references. 2126 Read up on body language and
tune in to its visual channel wheever youre trying to sell to people, get their
vote, or convince them youre the best candidate for the job or the role of
life partner.
Wouldnt it be super to have Jimmis success rate with our listeners
accepting whatever we say? We can if we just keep our eyes open.
A Quick Review
Thats all there is to it. Youll remember to eat before coming to the party
(the Munching or Mingling technique) to leave your
Technique #77
Eyeball Selling
The human body is a twenty-four-hour broadcasting station that
transmits You thrill me. You bore me. I love that aspect of your product.
That one puts my feet to sleep.
Set the hidden cameras behind your eyeballs to pick up on all your
customers and friends signals. Then plan your pitch and your pace
hands free for heavy networking. When you arrive, youll stop in the
doorway and Rubberneck the Room to get the lay of the land. While
rubbernecking, youll Be the Chooser, Not the Choosee and pick your
prospects for the evening. When standing around, you will be relaxing and
inviting with Come-Hither Hands.
You havent forgotten, of course, to use the meeting-people techniques
from previous chapters. If you spot someone you want to talk to, check
them out for a Whatzit you can comment on. Finding none, just ask the
party giver, Whoozat? If the host or hostess is not in sight, simply stand
near your target and resort to the Eavesdrop In technique.
While chatting with anyone youve previously met, you will, of course,
use Tracking to win their vote or heart and all the tecniques in Part Two to
ensure the conversation is interesting for your new acquaintance. Finally,

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