
(Ooja) #1

How to Know What Not to Say at Dinner
Did you ever wonder why business lunches between big bosses go on
interminably long, sometimes well into the afternoon? Did you ever suspect
its just because they like to sit, drink, and massage each other on the
company expense account? Perhaps theres an element of that. But the main
reason is because the dining table is an even more sacred safe haven than a
party. Big boys and big girls realize, whether its a business dinner, lunch, or
breakfast, breaking bread together is a time when they must discuss no
unpleasant aspects of the business. After all, tough negotiating can kill your
Lets listen in on an average business lunch between big plaers. We hear
the clanking of glasses as they consume drinks over convivial conversation.
They are discussing golf, the weather, and making general observations
about the state of the business. Duing the main course, the discourse turns
to food, the arts, current affairs, and other nonthreatening subjects.
Wasted time? one might ask. Not at all! The big players are watching
each others moves very carefully, calculating each others skills, knowledge,
prowess. Like NFL scouts observing college football practice, theyre
determining whos got the right stuff. Big
How to Know What Not to Say at Dinner 315
players know how people handle themselves at a social occasion is an
accurate barometer of their big-business muscle. As they are smiling and
laughing at each others jokes, they are all making silent critical judgments.
Finally, coffee arrives. At this point one or more of the biggies gently
broaches the business at hand. Naturally, he or she does it with supposed
reluctance, trying to repress the obvious relief that at last they can get down
to significant stuff. He exudes, What a shame such genial company should
have to concern itself with mundane matters like making money.
Only after they have played out this crucial charade can they discuss
business. But no dirty business. The biggies can brainstorm over coffee.
They can discuss proposals over dessert. They can toss around new ideas
over cordials. They can explore the positive side of the merger, the
acquisition, or the partnership while waiting for the check.
However, should any disagreement, misunderstanding, or controversial
aspect arise, they must immediately relegate it to another table, the
conference table.

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