
(Ooja) #1

Chance Encounters Are for Chitchat
If youre selling, negotiating, or in any sensitive communication with
someone, do NOT capitalize on a chance meeting. Keep the melody of your
mistaken meeting sweet and light. Otherwise, it could turn into your swan
song with Big Winner.
Consistently create safe havens for people if you want them to elevate
you to the status of big winner. You may find yourself dining with them,
going to parties with them, getting big hellos in the hall, and closing deals
much faster than during business hours. Who knows? If its your desire, you
even make yourself elgible for some heavy socializing at the top. Big
winners make it safe for each other to accept invitations to play golf, spend
the weekend in their country homes, or relax by each others pools. They
know there will be no sharks swimming in the water, no razor blades buried
in the shrimp cocktail.
How to Prepare Them to Listen to You
Once night, several years ago on a New York City street, I caught a man
trying to break into a car. I shouted for him to stop. Instead of being content
escaping, the burly would-be burglar decided to retaliate. As he raced past
me, he shoved me down onto the cement and I cracked my skull against the
Dizzily, I wobbled into the emergency room of a nearby hopital.
Holding an ice pack against my throbbing head, I was grilled by the
emergency room triage nurse on my address, telephone, and social security
numbers, insurance carrier, policy number, ad naseam. Its as if she had
said,The heck with your cracked skull. You can tell me about that later.
Whats your insurance number?
Dont bother me with that minutiae! All I wanted to do was tell
somebody, anybody, what happened to me. It wasnt until the very end of her
ruthless and sadistic interrogation that she asked, So what happened?
I later told my sad story to a friend, Sue, a nurse who works in admitting
in another emergency room. She said, I know. I cant believe they print the
forms that way. Injured people dont get to tell what happened to them until
the last line of the form. Sue said getting crucial numerical details from
people suffering in the ER with broken bones and burns was a real
challenge. Until, she said,

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