
(Ooja) #1

you want hard-to-get theater tickets. Hes the
How to Get Whatever You Want from Service Personnel 331
guy you call when your airline says the hotel is booked or the flight is
When I told him of my buttercup experience, Tim laughed and said,
Leil, of course. This is news to you? A complimentary letter to someones
bossor the promise of oneis a great insu ance policy. Its as good as a written
rider that you will be well taken care of in the future.
Now I have a standard one in my computer. The buttercup reads as
Dear [name of supervisor],
I know how important customer service is to an organization such as
yours. This letter is to comend [name of employee]. He/She is an example
of an [employee title] who gives exceptional customer service. [Name of
store or business] continues to have my business thanks in great part to the
service given by [name of employee].
Gratefully, [signature]
Ive sent this letter to supervisors of parking lots, owners of insurance
companies, and to managers of dozens of stores where I shop regularly. Im
sure thats why I never need to worry about getting a parking place when the
lot is full, an immediate callback from my insurance agent, and attentive
service at my regular shoping haunts.
But be careful! Dont just ask, Whats the name of your supervisor?
Hearing those words can make an employee as nerous as a turkey in
November. Be sure to couch it in a compliment. Say something like, Wow,
you are terrific. Whats your supervsors name? Id like to write him or her a
letter. Then write it! Youll forever be a VIP in his or her book.
Teechnique #90
Buttercups for Their Boss
Do you have a store clerk, accountant, law firm junior partner, tailor,
auto mechanic, ma”tre d, massage therapist, kids teacheror any other
worker you want special attention from in the future? The surefire way to
make them care enough to give you their very best is send a buttercup to
their boss.
The next technique tells you how to stand out as a VIP when youre in a

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