
(Ooja) #1

longer has one. Sonny, who hounded his brother-in-laws cousin by a too-
quick call, is still pumping gas. Tania, who insisted on immediate tit for tat,
no longer has that terrific job at the talent agency. Poor Jane, the mail-room
clerk who confronted her boss at the Christmas party five years ago, is still
wrapping packages. And Dan, who left the prolonged inspirational message
on his phone, now has an unlisted numbernot a good sign for an aspiring
Whereas Barry who asks everyone he calls, What Color Is Your Time?
was recently chosen Broadcaster of the Year by the National Association of
Talk Show Hosts. Joe, who keeps note of everyone on his Business Card
Dossier, is now a state senator.
Jimmi, the expert at Eyeball Selling, was recently written up in Success
magazine. Steve, whose staff insinuates Oh Wow, Its You! to every caller, is
one of the most requested speakers on the cable circuit. Tim, the can-do guy
who gets what he wants from worers in every industry by writing
Buttercups for Their Boss, now owns the travel agency. And Gloria, my
hairdresser who gives the great Nutshell RŽsumŽ, recently opened a salon
on New Yorks fashionable Fifth Avenue.
Does this mean to say that just because the first folks irked me and a
few others they were exiled to a humdrum existence? And the latter group
who made people smile would attain great heights? Of course not. Those
isolated moments of their lives we examined were but one move of many
they made each day.
But consider: if you had been who was ruffled by Laura, Sam, Sonny,
Tania, Jane, or Dan and they called you, would you feel like extending
yourself for them? Probably not. The memory of their ragged dealing would
still smart.
Whereas if you heard from Barry, Joe, Jimmi, Steve, Tim, or Gloria,
happy memories of your exchange would flood over you. Youd want to do
whatever you could for them.
Multiply your response by many thousands. As we said in the
introduction, nobody gets to the top alone. Over the years, the smooth
moves of these big winners have captured the hearts and conquered the
minds of hundreds of people who helped boost them rung by rung to the top
of whatever ladder they chose.
How does one become an instinctive smooth mover rather than a ragged
rider through life? The answer became blindingly clear one snowy day last

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