
(Ooja) #1

We need a technique to ensure every shot aims right at the heart of our
subject. We need to trick our boies into reacting perfectly.
To find it, lets explore the only time we dont need to worry about any
shyness or negativity slipping out through our body laguage. Its when we
feel none. That happens when were chatting with close friends. When we
see someone we love or feel copletely comfortable with, we respond
warmly from head to toe without a thought. Our lips part happily. We step
closer. Our arms reach out. Our eyes become soft and wide. Even our palms
turn up and our bodies turn fully toward our dear friend.
How to Trick Your Body into Doing Everything Right
Heres a visualization technique that accomplishes all that. It guaantees
that everyone you encounter will feel your warmth. I call it Hello Old
When meeting someone, play a mental trick on yourself. In your minds
eye, see him or her as an old friend, someone you had a wonderful
relationship with years ago. But somehow you lost track of your friend. You
tried so hard to find your good buddy, but there was no listing in the phone
book. No information online. None of your mutual friends had a clue.
Suddenly, WOW! What a surprise! After all those years, the two of you
are reunited. You are so happy.
Thats where the pretending stops. Obviously, you are not going to try to
convince the new person that the two of you are really old friends. You are
not going to hug and kiss and say, Great to see you again! or How have you
been all these years? You
How to Make Someone Feel Like an Old Friend at Once 29
merely say, Hello, How do you do, I am pleased to meet you. But,
inside, its a very different story.
You will amaze yourself. The delight of rediscovery fills your face and
buoys up your body language. I sometimes jokingly say if you were a light,
youd beam on the other person. If you were a dog, youd be wagging your
tail. You make this new person feel very special indeed.
In my seminars, I first have people introduce themselves to another
participant before theyve learned the Hello Old Friend technique. The group
chats as though at a pleasant semiformal gathering. Later I ask them to
introduce themselves to another stranger, imagining they are old friends.
The difference is extraodinary. When theyre using Hello Old Friend, the
room comes alive. The atmosphere is charged with good feeling. The air

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