
(Ooja) #1

neurotransmitters. Some people have excessive levels of a neurotransmitter
called norepinephrine, a chemical cousin of adrenaline. For some children,
just walking into a kindegarten room makes them want to run and hide
under a table.
As a tot, I spent a lot of time under the table. As a preteen in an all-girls
boarding school, my legs turned to linguine every time I had to converse
with a male. In eighth grade, I once had to invite a boy to our school prom.
The entire selection of dancing males lived in the dormitory of our brother
school. And I only knew one resident, Eugene. I had met Eugene at summer
camp the year before. Mustering all my courage, I decided to call him.
Two weeks before the dance, I felt the onset of sweaty palms. I put the
call off. One week before, rapid heartbeat set in. I put
How to Know What to Say After You Say Hi 45
the call off. Finally, three days before the big bash, breathing became
difficult. Time was running out.
The critical moment, I rationalized, would be easier if I read from a
script. I wrote out the following: Hi, this is Leil. We met at camp last
summer. Remember? (I programmed in a pause where I hoped he would say
yes.) Well, National Cathedral Schools prom is this Saturday night and Id
like you to be my date. (I programmed in another pause where I prayed hed
say yes.)
On Thursday before the dance, I could no longer delay the inevitable. I
picked up the receiver and dialed. Clutching the phone waiting for Eugene
to answer, my eyes followed perspirtion droplets rolling down my arm and
dripping off my elbow. A small salty puddle was forming around my feet.
Hello? a sexy, deep male voice answered the dorm phone.
In faster-than-a-speeding-bullet voice, like a nervous novice
telemarketer, I shot out, Hi, this is Leil. We-met-at-camplassummer-
remember? Forgetting to pause for his assent, I raced on, Well-National-
Cathedral-Schools-prom-is-this-Saturday-nigh and-Id-like-you-to-be-my-
To my relief and delight, I heard a big, cheerful Oh thats great, Id love
to! I exhaled my first normal breath all day. He cotinued, Ill pick you up at
the girls dorm at 7:30. Ill have a pink carnation for you. Will that go with
your dress? And my name is Donnie.
Donnie? Donnie! Who said anything about Donnie?

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