
(Ooja) #1

Whoops, you are better than I am. Im in polite company now and so Ill use
the nicey-nice word.
Big cats are anatomically correctno cutesy words for body parts. Theyll
say breasts when they mean breasts. When they
say knockers, they mean decorative structures that hang on the front
door. And family jewels are in the safe on the wall.
If a big cat is ever in doubt about a word, he or she simply resorts to
French. If they feel the word buttocks is debatable, deriere will do quite
nicely, thank you.
Technique #32
Call a Spade a Spade
Dont hide behind euphemisms. Call a spade a spade. That doesnt mean
big cats use tasteless four-letter words when perfectly decent fivand six-
letter ones exist. Theyve simply learned the Kings English, and they speak
Heres another way to tell the big players from the little ones just by
listening to a few minutes of their conversation.
How to Avoid the Worlds Worst Conversational Habit
Once I was at a small dinner party given by the president of an
advertising agency, Louis, and his wife, Lillian. The evening started with
cocktails, followed by a gourmet meal accompanied by a selection of
excellent wines. The conversation had been covivial, the cuisine delicious,
and the wine very fine. And very pletiful. At the end of the evening, Louis
raised his glass to make a toast. A few wine droplets sloshed out of his glass
onto the tablecloth.
A pretty young woman who was the date of a new art diretor named
Bob giggled and said, I can tell youre feeling no pain. Shock waves went
around the table. Everyone froze. The host was indeed a bit inebriated.
However, alluding to Louis being a little looped, even in jest, was as though
the woman had suddenly smashed the crystal chandelier above the table
with her dinner
plate. One guest quickly covered the girls horrifying gaffe by lifting her
glass and saying None of us is. No one in the company of Louis and Lillian
could ever feel any pain. Heres to a truly woderful evening.
Louis then continued with his toast to the wonderful copany, and no one
was feeling pain any longer. Except Bob. He

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