
(Ooja) #1

broadcaster, boss who owns the company that owns the company you work
for.) And there the celestial body is in the flesh, sitting not ten feet from
you. What should you do?
Nothing! Big shots dont slobber over stars. Let the luminary enjoy a
brief moment of anonymity. If he or she should cast a glance in your
direction, give a smile and a nod. Then waft your gaze back to your dining
companion. You will be a lot cooler in the eyes of your dinner partner if you
take it all in your stride.
Now, if you just cant resist this once-in-a-lifetime opportnity to press
the flesh of the megastar and tell him or her of your admiration, heres how
to do it with grace. Wait until you or the luminary are leaving the restaurant.
After the check has been paid and you will obviously not be taking much of
his or her time, you may make your approach. Say something like, Mr.
Allen, I just want to tell you how much pleasure your wonderful films have
given me over the years. Thank you so much.
Did you pick up the subtlety here? You are not complimening his work.
After all, he might well ask himself, who are you to judge whether I am a
great filmmaker or not? You can only speak from your own perspective.
You do this by telling him how much pleasure his work has given you.
If its your bosss bosss bosss boss whom the fates have sent to bask in
your adulation, do the same. Do not say Bill or Mr. Gates, you really run a
great company.
Lowly geek, he thinks, who are you to judge? Instead, tell him what an
honor it is to work for him. Obviously this is not the moment to detail the
intricacies of your improvements on imagediting software for digitizing
Then let your body language express that if Woody or Bill or the other
megastar wants to leave it at that, you are happy with the exchange. If,
however, the megastar is captivated by you (or has had so much liquid
merriment that he or she has decided to mingle with the masses tonight),
then all bets are off. Youre on your own. Enjoy! Until you pick up the first
body-language sign that they would like to end it. Think of yourself as a
ballroom dance student waltzing with your teacher. He leads, you follow.
And he tells you when the waltz is over.
Incidentally, if the megastar is with a companion and your conversation
goes on for more than a few moments, direct some comments at the

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