Science 28Feb2020

(lily) #1
SCIENCE 28 FEBRUARY 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6481 965



tarting in 2022, the Vera C. Rubin
Observatory will survey the entire
night sky every few nights from a
mountaintop in Chile, using a giant
mirror to capture faint, fast-changing
objects. But something much more
mundane is likely to streak into view: thou-
sands of low-flying communications satel-
lites glinting in the Sun. The threat, evident
ever since rocket company SpaceX launched
its first batch of 60 Starlink satellites in May
2019, has come into sharper focus—as has a
potential way to limit the damage.
Unpublished studies, some seen by
Science, suggest satellite trails could ruin
about one-third of the images from the Ru-
bin Observatory during parts of the night.
Observatory staff say the problem cannot
be avoided with software tweaks or shrewd
telescope pointing. The best remedy seems
to be to darken the satellites themselves,
something SpaceX and the Rubin Observa-
tory are already exploring.
“Darkening is the name of the game,”
says Tony Tyson, chief scientist of the Ru-
bin Observatory. “I’m cautiously optimistic
we will get there with SpaceX.” But with
other companies starting to build similar
megaconstellations , astronomers are rac-
ing to keep ahead of the problem.
After the first launch of the Starlinks,
which aim to provide internet access to re-
mote parts of the globe, skywatchers could

see strings of bright dots with the naked
eye as the table-size satellites spread out
290 kilometers up. “We were totally sur-
prised by the brightness,” says Patrick
Seitzer of the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, a member of a working group set up
by the American Astronomical Society to
study the problem.
Just how big the problem will become is
hard to predict. Companies keep tight hold
of spacecraft design details, says aerospace
engineer Hugh Lewis of the University of
Southampton, who has adapted a space de-
bris model to help understand the bright-
ness of Starlinks. “Ideally we would want
to know everything about the spacecraft,
but that’s not the world we live in,” he says.
Astronomers also don’t know how big the
constellations will be: SpaceX, for exam-
ple, is aiming for an initial constellation of
about 1600 but has applied to the Federal
Communications Commission to loft as
many as 42,000.
Brightness measurements made by Las
Cumbres Observatory, a global network of
small telescopes, and others showed that
the Starlinks dimmed as they rose to their
working orbits 550 kilometers up. They are
brightest when they’re low on the horizon,
around twilight. Most telescopes can avoid
the trails, because they observe high in the
sky and have a narrow field of view. But
long exposures, a large mirror, and a wide
field of view all make a telescope vulner-
able. “Combine two or three of these and

you’re in trouble,” says Olivier Hainaut,
who is studying the problem for the Euro-
pean Southern Observatory.
The Rubin Observatory, with an 8.4-meter
mirror that will take pictures of the sky the
size of 40 full Moons in 30-second exposures,
“is the perfect machine for running into
these satellites,” Tyson says.
He and his team conducted simulations
that suggested the track of a satellite image
across their camera would saturate each
camera pixel as it passes, and cause leak-
age into neighboring ones. The resulting
artifacts “cannot be removed in software.
We have failed in doing that,” Tyson says.
The team looked at altering schedules to
avoid satellite trails, but with such a wide
field of view, avoiding thousands of satel-
lites would end up as “a wild goose chase,”
he says.
So Tyson is pinning his hopes on SpaceX
darkening its future satellites. He and his
team speak several times a week with en-
gineers at SpaceX, which launched one
darkened satellite in January that is just
now reaching its final orbit. Tyson’s team
calculated that if the company can reduce
reflections by a factor of 15, the issue will
be manageable. Images would still contain
trails, but they wouldn’t saturate pixels and
could be removed digitally. SpaceX and its
chief, Elon Musk, are “totally committed
to solving this problem,” Tyson says, and
his team has worked with them to “narrow
to a design that may work.” Several satel-
lites with this updated dark design will be
launched in coming weeks. SpaceX did not
respond to requests for comment.
Starlink is, however, just the first con-
stellation to get started. “It’s safe to say, the
number will rise dramatically,” says Connie
Walker of the National Optical-Infrared As-
tronomy Research Laboratory, who chairs
an International Astronomical Union com-
mission looking at the threat. The com-
pany OneWeb launched 34 satellites on
7 February—a first installment in an ini-
tial constellation of 648. The satellites are
smaller and orbit higher than Starlinks, so
they are fainter, but their altitude means
they’re illuminated by the Sun most of the
night. “They’ll need to darken them,” says
Tyson, who is in contact with OneWeb and
other operators, including Amazon, whose
Project Kuiper envisions 3200 satellites.
Tyson has his fingers crossed. The con-
stellations won’t kill the Rubin Observa-
tory, but they will make its job harder and
could jeopardize its chances of making
discoveries. “It’s there that the existential
threat is,” he says. j

Satellite megaconstellations

menace giant survey telescope


Darkening the orbiters could limit damaging light trails

in wide-field images from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory

At twilight, streaks from Starlink satellites could ruin
about one-third of Vera C. Rubin Observatory images.

By Daniel Clery

Published by AAAS
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