Science 28Feb2020

(lily) #1

vitro but did not generate G6P. NonPolCatDead-
Glk1 neither polymerized nor produced G6P
(fig. S18, A to C).
When starved yeast are refed glucose, excess
sugar kinase activity is toxic owing to an im-
balance between the early steps of glycolysis,

which consume ATP, and the late steps, which
generate ATP ( 25 ). Hxk1 and Hxk2 activity is
inhibited by trehalose-6-phosphate, a transient-
ly accumulating metabolite ( 26 ). Because Glk1
is not inhibited by trehalose-6-phosphate, we
hypothesized that Glk1 polymerization limits
activity when starved cells are refed glucose.
cose, 15% of NonPol-Glk1 cells died (Fig. 4A),
which is consistent with this model. This
death was caused by unregulated Glk1 ac-
tivity and not by lack of Glk1 polymers; cells
with GLK1 deleted (glk1D), CatDead-Glk1, and
NonPolCatDead-Glk1 behaved indistinguishably
from wild-type cells. Thus, Glk1 polymeriza-
tion limits the rate of glucose phosphorylation
during glucose refeeding.
Unregulated Glk1 activity is detrimental to
fitness during the entire growth cycle. We used
differential fluorescent labeling to compare
the fitness of wild-type cells with that of each
mutant. We grew mixed cultures to saturation,
diluted them into fresh medium every 48 hours,
and measured the proportion of strains by
flow cytometry. NonPol-Glk1 cells had a sub-
stantial fitness defect in these conditions,
averaging to a fitness cost of 6% (Fig. 4B)
( 27 ). In contrast, no growth defect was ob-
served when mixed cultures were maintained in
a glucose-rich environment (fig. S19), suggesting
that environmental changes are required to
expose the growth defects of NonPol-Glk1 cells.
Similar effects were observed when competing
these strains on other sugars (fig. S20). Cells
lacking Glk1 activity (glk1D,CatDead-Glk1,
NonPolCatDead-Glk1) showed minor growth
defects in acetate. Thus, Glk1 activity is im-
portant for growth on non-sugar sources, and
Glk1 polymerization prevents toxic overactiv-
ity during refeeding.
Glk1 polymerization governs its bulk rate of
catalysis, with the Glk1 CC setting the upper
limit of flux throughout the entire Glk1 pool
(Fig. 4C). This mode of self-regulation is robust
to growth state and cell-to-cell variation in
protein concentration, and it allows rapid adapt-
ation to transient perturbations. In this sense,
Glk1 polymerization behaves as a molecular
surge protector, defending the cell against
nutrient spikes.


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Special thanks to Q. Justman for gifting strains and for extended
discussions of this work. We thank R. Gaudet for sharing beamtime
and resources and for crystallographic advice, along with
C. Zimanyi, L. Bane, and E. May. We thank J. Wilhelm for helpful
discussions. We thank the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Cryo-EM
Center at the University of Washington for access to electron
microscopes. This work used NE-CAT beamlines (GM124165) at
the APS (DE-AC02-06CH11357).Funding:This work was
supported by NIH grants DP2AI117923-01 to E.C.G., R01GM043987
to A.W.M., R01GM118396 to J.M.K., R01GM123089 to F.D.,
F31GM116441 to P.R.S., and by the NSF-Simons Center for
Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Biology at Harvard
(1764269) and the Harvard Quantitative Biology Initiative. E.C.G.
and P.R.S. were also supported by Wellcome Grant 203276/Z/16/Z
and by the Volkswagen Foundation. T.A.W. is supported by a Royal
Society University Research Fellowship.Author contributions:
P.R.S. clonedS. cerevisiaestrains; performed fluorescence
microscopy; measured the relative expression of Glk1 by flow
cytometry; carried out plasmid construction and protein
purification, in vitro measurements of polymerization and
enzymatic activity, x-ray crystallography, Glk1 crystal structure
refinement, and negative-stain EM; and measured the viability of
cells during glucose refeeding and the fitness of competed strains
using flow cytometry. Cryo-EM sample preparation and data
collection were performed by E.M.L. and A.M.D. Cryo-EM data were
analyzed by E.M.L. and J.M.K., and the atomic model of Glk1
filaments was built by E.M.L., D.P.F., and F.D. Phylogenetic analysis
of actin ATPase families and regression analysis of polymerization-
associated motifs were performed by T.A.W. This project was
conceived of by P.R.S., E.C.G., and A.W.M. P.R.S., E.M.L., and T.A.W.
generated figures for this work. The paper was written by P.R.S.,
E.C.G., and A.W.M. and edited by P.R.S., E.C.G., A.W.M., E.M.L.,
J.M.K., and T.A.W.Competing interests:The authors have no
competing interests.Data and materials availability:Atomic
coordinate files of the Glk1 crystal structure (PDB ID 6P4X) and
the cryo-EM filament structure (PBD ID 6PDT) are hosted online at
the RCSB PDB ( The EM map of the Glk1 cryo-EM
filament structure is hosted online at the EM Data Resource
( under accession number EMD-20309.
All other data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper
are present in the paper or the supplementary materials.

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S20
Tables S1 to S4
References ( 29 – 60 )
Movies S1 and S2
Tree Description File for Fig. 3B
View/request a protocol for this paper fromBio-protocol.

26 June 2019; accepted 27 January 2020

Stoddardet al.,Science 367 , 1039–1042 (2020) 28 February 2020 4of4









CFU (Glucose/Galactose)


Active Inactive









G6P Production

02 4 6 8






Time (days)


vs WT

vs NonPol
vs NonPolCatDead
vs CatDead



Fig. 4. Elimination of Glk1 polymerization
reduces fitness.(A) Cells were preconditioned in
citrate buffered synthetic (CBS) medium with galactose
and refed either glucose or galactose. The ratios of the
resulting colonies (CFU, colony-forming units) are
reported here. Mean ± SD (n= 4 biological replicates).
(B) Wild-type cells expressing mCherry were competed
against cells expressing GFP with different Glk1
genotypes through growth and dilution cycles in
synthetic medium with glucose. The proportion of strains
was measured after dilution by flow cytometry. Mean ±
SD (n= 5 biological replicates). (C)Schematicofhow
Glk1 polymerization affects glucokinase activity. When
Glk1 concentration is high and glucose increases, Glk1
polymerizes until the monomer concentration equals
the CC. Glk1 polymers lack enzyme activity; regardless of
Glk1 concentration, the concentration of active enzyme is
thesameafterglucoseaddition.WhenGlk1’s ability to
polymerize is disrupted, its glucokinase activity is
unconstrained, leading to fitness and viability defects.


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