Science 28Feb2020

(lily) #1



Maternal gut microbiota in pregnancy influences

offspring metabolic phenotype in mice

Ikuo Kimura†, Junki Miyamoto, Ryuji Ohue-Kitano, Keita Watanabe, Takahiro Yamada,
Masayoshi Onuki, Ryo Aoki, Yosuke Isobe, Daiji Kashihara, Daisuke Inoue, Akihiko Inaba,
Yuta Takamura, Satsuki Taira, Shunsuke Kumaki, Masaki Watanabe, Masato Ito, Fumiyuki Nakagawa,
Junichiro Irie, Hiroki Kakuta, Masakazu Shinohara, Ken Iwatsuki, Gozoh Tsujimoto, Hiroaki Ohno,
Makoto Arita, Hiroshi Itoh, Koji Hase†

INTRODUCTION:In recent decades, the rapid
expansion of antibiotic use and intake of
high-calorie, low-fiber diets have contributed
to disturbances in the gut microbial commu-
nity, predisposing humans to various diseases
such as metabolic syndrome. Although the in-
fluence of microbiota on the postnatal environ-
ment has been well documented, much less is
known regarding the impact of gut microbiota
at the embryonic stage. Although accumu-
lating evidence supports the notion of the
developmental origins of health and disease
(DOHaD), the underlying mechanisms remain
obscure. In this study, we explored the im-
pact of maternal gut microbiota on embry-
onic development and disease susceptibility
late in life.

RATIONALE:Gut microbiota–derived metabolites
represented by short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs;

e.g., acetate, propionate, and butyrate) not only
fuel host cells but also serve as signaling mol-
ecules between the gut microbiota and extra-
intestinal organs. GPR41 and GPR43 belong to
the free fatty acids receptor (FFAR) family and
are receptors for SCFAs. We have previously
corroborated the biological importance of
FFARs in energy metabolism through inter-
actions with dietary ingredients, as well as gut
microbiota–derived metabolites. Gut micro-
bial SCFAs regulate host energy homeostasis
via GPR41 and GPR43 in the sympathetic ner-
vous system, adipose tissues, pancreas, and in-
testine. A recent study further showed that the
gut microbiota of pregnant mice influence im-
mune and brain functions of offspring. These
findings raise the possibility that maternal
SCFAs play a key role in the regulation of dis-
ease susceptibility during postnatal life in the
context of the DOHaD theory.

RESULTS:We found that maternal microbiota
during pregnancy imparts resistance to obe-
sity to their offspring. Pregnant mice were
bred under specific pathogen–free (SPF) and
germ-free (GF) conditions, after which new-
borns were raised by foster mothers under
conventional conditions to align growth en-
vironments after birth. The offspring from GF
mothers were highly susceptible to metabolic
syndrome characterized
by an exacerbation of obe-
sity and glucose intoler-
ance in association with
reduced energy expend-
iture upon high-fat diet
consumption during adult-
hood. A similar phenotype was also observed
in offspring from mice fed a low-fiber (LFi)
diet during pregnancy. Treatment of preg-
nant GF or LFi-fed mice with SCFA rendered
adult offspring resistant to obesity. SCFA in
the colonic lumen of pregnant mice reached
the embryos via the maternal liver and blood-
stream. Notably, the sympathetic nerves, in-
testinal epithelium, and pancreas of embryos
highly expressed GPR41 and/or GPR43 to
sense SCFAs originating from the maternal
gut microbiota. Deficiency in embryonic GPR41
and GPR43 signaling compromised energy
metabolism because of sympathetic dysfunc-
tion and hyperglycemia during the prenatal
period. The SCFA-GPR41 and SCFA-GPR43
axes facilitate the development of neural cells,
GLP-1–expressing enteroendocrine cells, and
pancreaticbcells, thereby shaping embryonic
energy metabolism. This developmental proc-
ess contributes to maintaining postnatal en-
ergy homeostasis.

CONCLUSION:We determined that, during preg-
nancy, the maternal gut microbiota confers
resistance to obesity in offspring via the SCFA-
GPR41 and SCFA-GPR43 axes. During preg-
nancy, SCFAs from the maternal gut microbiota
were sensed by GPR41 and GPR43 in the sym-
pathetic nerve, intestinal tract, and pancreas
of the embryo, influencing prenatal develop-
ment of the metabolic and neural systems.
These findings indicate that the maternal
gut environment during pregnancy is a key
contributor to metabolic programming of
Thus, the gut microbiota of pregnant mice
provides an environmental cue that fine-
tunes energy homeostasis in offspring to pre-
vent the developmental origin of metabolic


Kimuraet al.,Science 367 , 1002 (2020) 28 February 2020 1of1

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (I.K.);
[email protected] (K.H.)
Cite this article as I. Kimuraet al.,Science 367 , eaaw8429
(2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw8429

Facilitation of neural, enteroendocrine,
and pancreatic development

Prevention of metabolic
syndrome in adulthood











Gut microbial metabolites;

Maternal gut

Dietary Fiber



During pregnancy, maternal gut microbiota influences offspring propensity for obesity via
embryonic SCFA receptors.The maternal gut microbial SCFA-embryonic GPR41 and GPR43 axes
facilitate the development of neural cells, GLP-1–expressing enteroendocrine cells, and pancreatic
bcells to shape the development of energy metabolism in offspring, even as adults. GPCR,
Gprotein–coupled receptor.


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