BBC Science Focus - The Theory of Nearly Everything

(Amelia) #1



Rober t Bunsen and Gust av Kirchof f found pat terns
of bright lines in the spectra of heated elements



Unlocking the meaning of features in the spectrum of sunlight

enabled us to identify elements present in stars. Dr John Gribbin

explains how it also gave rise to a new science – astrophysics


he philosopher Auguste Comte
w rote, in 1835, t hat “t here is no
conceivable means by which we
shall one day determine the chemical
composition of the stars”. So much for
philosophy. By the time Comte died in
1857, astrophysicists were well on the
way to finding out what stars are made
of. Indeed, spectroscopy, the tool they
would use to do it, had already been
invented decades before Comte made
his pronouncement.
In 1802, the British scientist William
Hyde Wollaston was studying sunlight
by passing it through a slit to make a
narrow beam and then through a glass
prism to spread the beam into a solar
spectrum. By doing so, he noticed that
the colours were separated by dark
bands – two in the red part of the
spectrum, three in the green and two
in the blue-violet region.
Wollaston thought these were
simply gaps between the colours, but
his discovery triggered the interest of
the German Joseph von Fraunhofer,
who was able to produce much more
detailed spectra in the second decade
of the 19th century. Eventually, he
identified 574 separate lines. Today,
all the dark lines in the solar spectrum
(even more t ha n he counted) a re
known as Fraunhofer Lines. A clue
to their origin emerged in the same
decade that Comte died, the 1850s.

It started with the work of Robert
Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff in
Ger ma ny. This is t he sa me Bunsen
whose name is known to everyone
who takes chemistry at school, thanks
to the famous burner. Early in the
1850s, t he city of Heidelberg had pipes
installed. These would distribute
inflammable gas derived from coal to
households and businesses – and to
the scientific laboratories of the

university. It was the inspiration for
Bunsen’s work with the burner that
now bears his name. The burner
combines oxygen and inflammable gas
in a controlled way, producing a clear
flame. It’s an ideal tool for a chemical
test in which substances are identified
by t he colou r t hey give to a f la me.

All in the detail
Bunsen originally used coloured
filters to calibrate these tests, but
Kirchhoff pointed out that it would
be possible to ma ke a more detailed
analysis. Together, they built an
apparatus that included a narrow
slit for the light to pass through,
a collimator to narrow the beam
and a prism to spread the light into a
rainbow. Finally, an eyepiece, like that
of a microscope, allowed them to view
the spectrum. This was the first time
all these components had been
assembled into a single instrument – a
spectroscope – although Fraunhofer
had previously used a prism and
eyepiece combination in his work.
Bunsen and Kirchhoff knew that
when different substances were put
in the clear flame of a burner, they
burned with different colours. A trace
of sodium, for example, turns the
flame yellow, while copper colours the
flame green/blue. When they analysed
the light from these flames using 5
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