Gary' i
for su e
As a busy chef and TV host, Gary
Mehigan found himself slipping
into unhealthy habits that were leaving
him sluggish. Keen to lose weight
and boost his energy levels, without
comprising on his favourite foods,
Gary joined the WW family.
What motivated you to take
this wellness journey?
I’ve been overweight since my mid-30s,
but since turning 50 I've started making
some moves to live a healthier lifestyle.
I had a wake-up call – I was fed up
with feeling overweight and I realised
I was hindered by what I was eating
Why WW?
I know I can go on a diet and lose
weight, but I can’t keep it up as a
lifestyle. I’ve tried every sort of diet on
the planet. I wanted something that lets
me enjoy food in the way I want to.
The idea of not being able to eat carbs
doesn’t cut the mustard with me!
What surprised you the most
about life on the WW journey?
It’s easy! I can’t always be strict with
tracking my food as I travel a lot. But
the WW guidelines and ZeroPoint
foods are so helpful. It’s not rocket
science but it’s based on science. We
hear the same messages about how to
live a healthier lifestyle over and over,
but it just didn’t stick until now.
Enjoying the simple changes we’ve
made, rather than just celebrating their
benefi ts, makes a huge difference.
Has your WW journey had an
impact on your family?
My wife Mandy has wholeheartedly
embraced the WW way. She’s cooking
from all the cookbooks and putting
different meals together that we can
both enjoy. We’re supporting each
other on the journey, which makes it
that much easier and more enjoyable.
How has WW changed the way
you cook at home?
In my chef life, I use every product on
the planet. In my home life, I was using
the same things every week. WW has
encouraged me to buy new things and
experiment. I’ve added fi sh into my diet
once or twice a week. I’m also eating
less red meat. But I still have a steak
sometimes because I love it. Now,
when I’m buying fresh produce I don’t
just buy apples - I mix it up so I don’t
get bored. I grab what’s ripe and in
season. My shopping basket looks a
lot more diverse.
Got any favourite WW dishes?
Mandy makes chicken with chickpeas
and onions, which we’re enjoying.
Most of the WW dishes are really easy,
which I love. We enjoy meatballs,
they’re easy to make and very tasty.
And I’m enjoying seafood. I’ll buy
seafood and make a curry sauce to go
with it. The only difference is now I’m
more conscious of how I’m making it.
Why become an ambassador?
I like the idea that I can contribute
interesting recipes that people want to
cook. WW makes you feel like you’re
part of something. Being around other
WW members, who are looking to live
a healthier life, has made an enormous
difference in mine. To me, doing it on
your own is the worst. It’s important for
me to do these things with other people.