
(Susana Espinozajj-QFg) #1


I am easily overwhelmed by loud music and people
speaking loudly.

In conflict, I sometimes start shaking and it takes
hours for my nervous system to calm down.

I seem to be aware of small things around me.

I cannot have the television on when I’m not
watching it.

When criticized, I frequently feel personally attacked
and feel the need to retreat.

Other people’s moods can really affect me.

I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days,
into bed or into a darkened room or any place where
I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation.

I am particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine
or particular foods.

I am easily overwhelmed by things like bright lights,
strong smells, coarse fabrics, sirens or screaming

I have a rich, complex inner life.

I am made uncomfortable by loud noises.

I am deeply moved by the arts or music, but
overwhelmed in noisy spaces.

My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled
that I just have to be alone.

I startle easily.

I try hard to avoid making mistakes or forgetting

I make a point to avoid violent images, movies and
TV shows.

Hunger creates a strong response in me, disrupting
my concentration or mood.

Changes in my life shake me up, and it takes me a
long time to adjust.

I am bothered by intense stimuli, drama and
chaotic scenes.

Am I A




The Art of Noticing

Practicing Mindful Awareness

Your Surroundings May Affect

You More Than You


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