Many sensitive people are hidden
introverts masquerading as extroverts.
We can be the life of the party, social
and jovial, but we crave our alone
time and value peace and quiet over
everything else.
You are deeply affected by violent movies
or images and it can be just too much.
Sometimes they lead to nightmares,
flashbacks, or general anxiety. Steer clear.
I can’t watch anything scary anymore.
It can affect me for days.
Criticism is amplified in highly sensitive
people. It is important to center yourself,
practice not taking it personally, and have
good mantras on hand when you feel
attacked. Many sensitive people prefer to
work alone in their space. The smells, noises,
lack of privacy, and extreme fluorescent
lights in a large open-space working
environment are generally too much for
sensitive people. You do not like intense
pressure or the feeling of someone looking
over your shoulder when you are working.
Yoga and meditation can be helpful for
reducing your emotional reactivity and also
helping to ground you so you can center
yourself in the middle of chaos.
You can become overwhelmed and
even depressed when your to-do list is
neverending. You can become stressed
out and anxious and become completely
Look out. When you get hungry, you can get
angry. You often struggle to function when
you have not eaten, and you can take out that
frustration on yourself or others close to you.
Plan your meals the night before and always
have a snack with you. Double down on
hummus, nuts, and seeds.
The Arts
You are deeply moved by creative
expression in the arts and tend to be
moved emotionally by aesthetics. Surround
yourself with beauty in your home and
office. It will uplift you.
Sometimes, when the world becomes too
loud, you need to retreat into a small, dark
bedroom with a book, a cup of tea, or some
soft music. Your home needs to be your safe,
nourishing sanctuary. Surround yourself with
things that comfort you: pillows, candles,
music, aromatherapy, tea, art, whatever you
need to feel safe and relaxed.