
(Susana Espinozajj-QFg) #1



You may be sensitive to chemicals, household cleaners, overpowering
body odors, perfumes, and gas heating. Natural scents are best for
you—the smell of wood, soil, fire. Make sure you take plenty of breaks
and get outside. Make sure you use only natural cleaners in your home.
Toxic cleaners can lead to migraines and nausea.


You are sensitive to clutter, messy spaces,
crowded places. You do best with lots of
light, big windows, high ceilings, and open
spaces. Small spaces may also overwhelm
you, unless you need a place to retreat; then
they can become your refuge.


You can feel those bad vibes from across the room. Sometimes you are
overwhelmed with empathy and compassion for others. Sometimes
you swear that you feel everything. You wither in environments with
consistent conflict and drama.


Many sensitive people do not like to be
overly touched in a social environment.
It is possible that you have anxiety with
hugging tons of people or shaking lots of
hands. Germs might really freak you out in
public spaces. Speak up if you’d rather not
be touched.


You can be really sensitive to criticism, the
tone of someone’s voice, or the words you hear.
You can be deeply affected and even crushed
by harsh feedback or criticism. Breathe and
remember it’s not about you. You are loved
and valuable, and nothing changes that.


Banging, construction, shouting, or children
crying can send you over the edge. It is best
to plan your vacations in cities or towns
that are more peaceful. Renting houses
may be better for you, giving you more
privacy and more control over noise. Check
reviews on hotels for noise levels. Before
renting an apartment, look for any possible
construction around your new place.
Always travel with earplugs. Working in
open offices is generally not ideal for you.
Tell the Uber driver to turn down his music.
Seek out quiet wine bars instead of loud,
obnoxious places. Bad techno music can
send you into orbit.


You can become deeply affected by cold
temperatures, and a freezing home can be
torture. Make sure you keep your place cozy.


You may have
food allergies or
intolerances. Cutting
out dairy and meat
products is often
essential, as well
as gluten. Overly
processed foods are
not recommended.


It is important
to protect your
environment, because
sensitive people have
an increased risk
of depression and
anxiety. Taking care of
yourself is essential.


You are particularly affected when you don’t get at least seven hours
a night, probably more. Always take an eye mask and earplugs when
traveling, to block out harsh light and noise, especially on airplanes.


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