
(Susana Espinozajj-QFg) #1


To prevent
overwhelm, spend the first
couple of hours of your day being
intentional about how you want to
feel and what you want to achieve that
day. This may include staying away from
your phone, some form of movement, and
journaling your intentions.

Are you mindful of what you are ab-
sorbing? You will feel overwhelmed and
drained if you are following accounts
that constantly share bad news or that
bash people, even if the news seems
important and the people seem “worth”
bashing. Unfollow or mute pages that
feed you this kind of content.

I know you may love multitasking be-
cause variety is the spice of life and you
may have heaps of wonderful talents
and ideas, but I want to challenge you
to choose just one or two projects that
you will give most of your energy to
for the next three months. Especially if
you have to spend the biggest portion
of your day doing things separate from
these, like working, raising children,
caring for someone, etc. If you do this,
you will have something beautiful and
wonderful to show at the end of that
three months instead of a ton of incom-
plete things that keep screaming for
your attention.

It’s not selfish to say NO sometimes. You can’t be everything to everyone and you
do not need to be everywhere. It’s also good to bear in mind that not everyone who
has access to you should have that access, so ponder on this and maybe think about
how you feel around certain people. If there are more than a few people whose pres-
ence makes you feel anything less than light and joyful, slowly begin to limit your
availability. It’s great to be there for people who are in a low place, but you need to
create boundaries around the level at which you are supporting people too.

Using timers or alarms to remind you
when to switch tasks sounds a bit extra,
I know, but it will really help you to work
through your to-do list in a way that feels
fun and that doesn’t bore your pants off.
If you are anything like me, you may find
it almost impossible to stick to doing the
same thing for too long (unless, of course,
it’s a random hobby or pointless research
thread) so for your longer tasks, break
them up into smaller chunks so that you
can look forward to the breaks in be-
tween, get stuff done, and stay motivated
whilst doing so.

To remain consistent in
all areas of your life, including the state
of your mental and emotional health, you must
make a habit of scheduling in time
to rest. If you don’t, your body sure will, and
if it gets to that point, it may not feel pleasant.
If you find it difficult, get some new books
or magazines so you can enjoy your time
of rest. You are NOT unproductive for
needing to switch off to charge up.

Penny Jarrett Instagram: @pennybelle |







Overwhelm can leave you feeling drained, stuck, and unmotivated. When daily tasks, commitments, or life in general begins to overwhelm
you, you may notice that you feel extremely emotional and almost like you freeze up and don’t know where to start with anything.

The definition of the word overwhelm is:

  • To bury or drown beneath a huge mass

  • To defeat completely

  • To give away too much of something

This is not how you should be living. The quality of your life and work is never going to be good if you are constantly giving too much of
yourself away and feeling defeated and like you are drowning. If you already feel like this, here are seven things to consider before that
overwhelm leads to complete burnout.


Penny is a wellness coach and blogger
passionate about helping others understand
and truly love themselves and their lives.

7 Tips for the One Feeling

Start your day right


Have a social media

Observe your energy

Embrace timers
and alarms

Notch up your NOs

Overwhelmed OverwhelmedOverwhelmed

Be deliberate
about rest

Create a
daily cut-off time for
technology and schedule regular
breaks from social media. Absorbing
the opinions of others all day through a tiny
screen will leave you overstimulated, which
can be and feel super overwhelming.


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