The Business Book

(Joyce) #1







lthough the catchphrase
is contemporary, the idea
of “generating buzz” is a
long-standing concept in sales. In a
sophisticated market populated by
savvy consumers who no longer
trust most of the messages
presented by advertisers, word-of-
mouth marketing, or WOMM, has
become a vital tool for anyone in
business. The strategy is to use the
consumer’s own voice—the words
of the ordinary person—to do the
selling, rather than the voice of
the big brand or the omnipotent
mass communicator.
Back in 1973, Madison Avenue
advertising legend David Ogilvy
recognized that ad campaign
jingles, catchphrases, and fashions
could “catch on” and become part
of social culture. “Nobody knows

how to do it on purpose,” he
believed, though he was certain
that word-of-mouth marketing was
valuable, calling it “manna from
heaven.” He also knew the power
of a good laugh. “The best ideas
come as jokes,” he mused. “Make
your thinking as funny as possible.”

Spreading the message
In the 21st century, WOMM
strategies are predominantly used
online via social media. Modern
marketers are able to purposefully
spark word-of-mouth campaigns
within online communities, but
they also understand the impact
of Ogilvy’s advice about using
humorous, quirky, and offbeat ideas
to get a reaction. Today, people still
share their firsthand experiences
with friends, but they also share


Word-of-mouth marketing

Early 1970s US psychologist
George Silverman pioneers the
study of WOMM. He noted
the persuasive power of peers
within research groups testing
new pharmaceutical products.

1976 UK biologist Richard
Dawkins articulates how
trends spread through a
natural process of imitation.

1997 The spread of the
webmail service Hotmail
becomes one of the first
examples of online
viral marketing.

2012 Beverage manufacturer
Red Bull sponsors Felix
Baumgartner to make the
highest-ever skydiving jump,
which attracts 8 million views
of the live feed on YouTube—
a social-media record.

marketing is the
most effective.

Using online
communities and
social media,
marketers can
generate buzz
for their product.

The best ideas
“catch on” and
spread quickly.
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