The Business Book

(Joyce) #1

Enron 142 , 150, 154, 227
entrepreneurship 20, 21, 43, 46–47
micropreneurism, start-up phase
see also start-ups
equity and performance
cost-cutting measures 125
opportunistic behavior by directors
ownership, control and personal gain
return on equity (ROE), maximizing
risk assessment 142–43, 156–57
see also organizational culture;
Estée Lauder 321
ethics see business ethics
executive officers
accountability and governance
130 –31
customers and employees, awareness
of needs 136–37
and perks 124–27
risk management 143–44
travel expenses and cost-cutting
measures 125
see also leadership; management


Facebook 37, 72–73, 89
Fayol, Henri 78, 112, 335
Ferguson, Sir Alex 84–85
Fernandes, “Tony” 21
Ferrari 182, 331
financial crises
and chaos theory 220–21
contingency planning 210
global credit crisis 102, 125, 129
Japan 144–45
leverage and debt 150–51
oil crises and scenario planning 211
and risk management 151, 154
financial strategy
accountancy and playing by the rules

financial strategy (cont)
activity-based accounting 159
borrowing and lending 128–29
capital management, MABA (market
attractiveness/ business
attractiveness) framework 192–93
cost accounting 158–59
employee wage levels and employee
turnover 134–35
gain as motivation 90–91
hedge betting 128–29
International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) 121–22, 123
investment and dividends 126–27
and marketing 134–37
price-fixing and competitiveness
222–23, 239
risk, and other people’s money 140–45
shadow banks 129
see also profit levels; shareholders;
strategic planning
first-mover advantage see under
competitive advantage
Five Strategic Forces model 212–15
“5-why” technique, and complacency
avoidance 199
Ford, Henry 78, 99, 136, 166–67, 246,
Ford Motors 134–35, 247, 288–89,
Four Ps and marketing mix concept
see also marketing
Fuld, Richard 102, 143, 145
future forecasting, and black swan
events 198


Gates, Bill 238, 335
Geneen, Harold 186, 187
General Electric (GE) 129 , 190, 191
GE-McKinsey matrix 192–93, 255
General Motors (GM) 144, 155 , 247, 325
Gerber 189
Getty, Jean Paul 75
Ghemawat, Pankaj 335

Ghoshal, Sumantra 335
Ghosn, Carlos 79
Gillette 35 , 36, 168, 171
GlowCap 95
G olema n, Da n iel 110 –11
Google 34, 36–37, 72–73, 87, 174 ,
249 , 276, 300
Gores, Alec 157
GPS technology 311
Greiner, Larry 47, 58–61
Grove, Andy 102, 196–99, 200,
growth see business adaptation and


Hamel, Gary 171, 256, 335
Hammer, Michael 49–50, 51
Handy, Charles 76–77, 143, 300
hedge betting 128–29
see also financial strategy
Herzberg, Frederick 87, 90–91, 306
Hess, Edward 45
Hill, Emma 73
Hofstede, Geert 106–08, 109
Honda 120–21, 127, 206 , 307–08
Hoover 38 , 271
Hornby 295
Humphrey, Albert 25, 27
Humphrey, Watts S. 218–19
Hyundai 289


IBM 107, 109, 253
IKEA 30 , 262, 336
India, economic growth 135–36
Innocent 108, 262
collaboration and creativity,
encouragement of 71, 206–07
and differentiation strategy 181–82,


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