The Business Book

(Joyce) #1

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London, new York, MeLbourne,
Munich, and deLhi


senior editor
sam Atkinson

project Art editor
Amy child

scarlett o’Hara, Alison sturgeon

Us editors
Margaret parrish, jane perlmutter

pictUre reseArcHer
sumedha chopra

MAnAging editor
esther ripley

MAnAging Art editor
Karen self

sarah Larter

Art director
phil ormerod

pUBLisHing director
Liz Wheeler

pUBLisHing director
jonathan Metcalf

jAcKet designer
Laura Brim

jAcKet editor
Manisha Majithia

jAcKet design
deveLopMent MAnAger
sophia tampakopoulos

james graham

prodUcer, pre-prodUction
rebecca Fallowfield

gemma sharpe

original styling by

stuDio8 Design

produced for dK by
cobalt iD

Art editors
darren Bland, paul reid

richard gilbert, diana Loxley,
sarah tomley, Marek Walisiewicz

First American edition, 2014

published in the United states by
dK publishing
375 Hudson street
new York, new York 10014

11 12 13 14 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
001 - 192364 - Feb/

copyright © 2014
dorling Kindersley Limited
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or otherwise), without the prior written
permission of both the copyright owner
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published in great Britain by
dorling Kindersley Limited.

A catalog record for this book is
available from the Library of congress.

isBn: 978-1-4654-1585-

printed and bound in china by
Leo paper products Ltd

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