The Science Book

(Elle) #1



or millennia, human
cultures have pondered
the age of Earth. Before
the advent of modern science,
estimates were based on beliefs
rather than evidence. It was not
until the 17th century that a
growing understanding of Earth’s
geology provided the means to
determine the planet’s age.

Biblical estimates
In the Judaeo-Christian world, ideas
about Earth’s age were based on
descriptions in the Old Testament.
However, since these texts only
presented the creation story in brief
outline, they were subject to much
interpretation, especially over the
complex genealogical chronologies
that followed the appearance of
Adam and Eve.
Best known of these Biblical
calculations is that by James
Ussher, the protestant Primate of all
Ireland. In 1654, Ussher pinpointed
the date of Earth’s creation to the
night preceding Sunday October
23, 4004 BCE. This date became
virtually enshrined in Christian
culture when it was printed in
many Bibles as part of the Old
Testament chronology.



10th century Al-Biruni uses
fossil evidence to argue that
land must once have been
under the sea.

1687 Isaac Newton argues
that Earth’s age can be
calculated scientifically.

1779 The Comte de Buffon’s
experiments suggest an age
of 74,832 years for Earth.

1860 John Phillips calculates
Earth’s age at 96 million years.

1862 Lord Kelvin calculates
Earth’s cooling to produce an
age of 20–400 million years,
later settling on 20–40 million.

1905 Ernest Rutherford uses
radiation to date a mineral.

1953 Clair Patterson puts
Earth’s age at 4.55 billion years.

All the years from the
creation of the world amount
to a total of 5,698 years.
Theophilus of Antioch

A scientific approach
During the 10th century CE,
scholars in Persia began to
consider the question of Earth’s
age more empirically. Al-Biruni,
a pioneer of experimental science,
reasoned that if marine fossils were
found on dry land, then that land
must once have been under the
sea. Earth, he concluded, must be
evolving over long periods of time.
Another Persian scholar, Avicenna,
suggested that layers of rock had
been laid down one upon another.
In 1687, a scientific approach
to the problem was suggested
by Isaac Newton. He argued that
it would take a large body like
Earth about 50,000 years to cool
if it were made of molten iron.
He derived this figure by scaling
up the cooling time taken for
a “globe of iron of an inch in
diameter, exposed red hot to
open air.” Newton had opened
the door to a scientific challenge
to previous understandings of
Earth’s formation.
Following Newton’s lead, French
naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc,
Comte de Buffon, experimented
with a large ball of red-hot iron, and
showed that if Earth were made of
molten iron, it would take 74,832
years to cool. In private, Buffon
thought that Earth must be far

Landscapes are continually
denuded and the debris
deposited into the sea.

Yet this process does not
lead to loss of the land

There is no vestige
of a beginning and no
prospect of an end.

...because new continents
are formed from materials
derived from previous
continents by the same
endless processes.
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