The Science Book

(Elle) #1


other than uranium). This led her
to the belief that the radioactivity
came from the uranium atoms
themselves, and not from any
reactions between uranium and
other elements.
Curie soon found that some
minerals that contained uranium
were more radioactive than
uranium itself, and wondered
whether these minerals contained
another substance—one that was
more active than uranium. By 1898,
she had identified thorium as
another radioactive element. She
rushed to present her findings in
a paper to the Académie des
Sciences, but the discovery of
thorium’s radioactive properties
had already been published.

Science double
Curie and her husband Pierre
worked together to discover the
additional radioactive elements
responsible for the high activity
of the uranium-rich minerals
pitchblende and chalcolite. By the
end of 1898 they had announced
the discovery of two new elements,
which they called polonium (after
her native country, Poland) and
radium. They attempted to prove
their discoveries by obtaining pure
samples of the two elements, but it
was not until 1902 that they obtained
0.003 oz (0.1 g) of radium chloride
from a metric ton of pitchblende.
During this time, the Curies
published dozens of scientific
papers, including one outlining their
discovery that radium could help to
destroy tumors. They did not patent
these discoveries, but in 1903, they
were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize
in Physics, along with Becquerel.
Marie continued her scientific work
after her husband’s death in 1906,

and succeeded in isolating a pure
sample of radium in 1910. In 1911,
she was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry, becoming the first
person to win or share in two prizes.

New model of the atom
The Curies’ discovery of radiation
paved the way for the two New
Zealand-born physicists Ernest
Rutherford and Ernest Marsden to
formulate their new model of the
atom in 1911, but it was not until
1932 that English physicist James
Chadwick discovered neutrons and
the process of radiation could be
fully explained. Neutrons and
positively charged protons are
subatomic particles that make up
the nucleus of an atom, which also
has negatively charged electrons
buzzing around it. The protons and
neutrons contribute almost all the
mass of the atom. Atoms of a

See also: Wilhelm Röntgen 186–87 ■ Ernest Rutherford 206–13 ■ J. Robert Oppenheimer 260–65

particular element always have the
same number of protons but may
have different numbers of neutrons.
Atoms with different numbers of
neutrons are called isotopes of the
element. For example, an atom of
uranium always has 92 protons in
its nucleus, but may have between
140 and 146 neutrons. These ❯❯

Uranium minerals emit radiation that darkens photographic
plates even when there is no light.

The amount of radiation from the uranium minerals depends
only on the quantity of uranium present.

Radiation is an atomic property
of the elements.

The radiation must therefore come from the uranium atoms.

Marie and Pierre Curie did not have
a dedicated laboratory. Most of their
work was done in a leaking shed next
to the University of Paris’s School of
Physics and Chemistry.
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