The Science Book

(Elle) #1


isotope has a half-life of 5,730 years.
Carbon-14 is constantly being
produced in the upper atmosphere
as nitrogen atoms are bombarded
with cosmic rays. This means
there is a relatively constant ratio
of carbon-12 to carbon-14 in the
atmosphere. Since photosynthesizing
plants take in carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere, and our food
consists of plants (or animals that
have eaten plants), there is also a
relatively constant proportion in
plants and animals while they are
alive, even though the carbon-14
is constantly decaying. When an
organism dies, no more carbon-14
is taken into its body, while the
carbon-14 already there continues
to decay. By measuring the ratio of
carbon-12 to carbon-14 in the body,
scientists can figure out how long
ago the organism died.
This radiometric method is used
to date wood, charcoal, bone, and
shells. There are natural variations
in the ratios of the carbon isotopes,
but dates can be cross-checked

with other dating methods such
as tree rings, and the corrections
applied to objects of similar age.

A wonder treatment
Curie realized that radioactivity
had medicinal uses. During World
War I, she used the small amount
of radium she had extracted to

The Curie laboratory...
was a cross between a stable
and a potato-cellar, and, if I
had not seen the worktable
with the chemical apparatus,
I would have thought it
a practical joke.
Wilhelm Ostwald

produce radon gas (a radioactive
gas produced when radium
decays). This was sealed into glass
tubes and inserted into patients’
bodies to kill diseased tissue.
It was seen as a wonder cure,
and even marketed in beauty
treatments to help firm up aging
skin. It was only later that the
importance of using materials with
a short half-life was recognized.
Radioactive isotopes are also
widely used in medical imaging to
diagnose disease, and in treatment
of cancer. Gamma rays are used to
sterilize surgical instruments, and
even food, to increase its shelf life.
Gamma ray emitters can be used
for the internal inspection of metal
objects, to detect cracks, or to
inspect the contents of cargo
containers to identify contraband. ■

The erection of Ale’s stones in
Sweden was dated to 600 CE by the
radiometric dating of wooden tools
found at the site. The actual stones are
hundreds of millions of years older.
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