The plum-pudding model
Thomson’s discovery of the
electron earned him the Nobel
Prize for Physics in 1906. He was
enough of a theoretician, however,
to see that a radical new model
of the atom was needed to
adequately incorporate his
findings. His answer, produced
in 1904, was the “plum-pudding”
model. Atoms have no overall
electric charge and, since the
mass of this new electron was
small, Thomson postulated that a
larger positively charged sphere
contained most of the atom’s mass,
and the electrons were embedded
in it like plums in the dough of
a Christmas pudding. With no
evidence to suggest otherwise,
it was sensible to assume that
the point charges, like the plums
in a pudding, were arbitrarily
distributed across the atom.
Rutherford revolution
However, the positively charged
parts of the atom steadfastly
refused to reveal themselves, and
the hunt was on to locate the
missing member of the atomic
pair. The quest resulted in a
discovery that would produce a
very different visualization of the
internal structure of the basic unit
of all elements.
At the Physical Laboratories
at the University of Manchester,
Ernest Rutherford devised and
directed an experiment to test
Thomson’s plum-pudding model.
This charismatic New Zealander
was a gifted experimentalist with
a keen sense of which details to
pursue. Rutherford had received the
1908 Nobel Prize in Physics for his
“Theory of Atomic Disintegration.”
The theory proposed that
the radiations emanating from
radioactive elements were the
result of their atoms breaking apart.
With the chemist Frederick Soddy,
Rutherford had demonstrated that
radioactivity involved one element
spontaneously changing into
another. Their work was to suggest
new ways to probe the inside of
the atom and see what was there.
Although radioactivity was first
encountered by Becquerel and
the Curies, it was Rutherford who
identified and named the three
different types of what we would
now call nuclear radiation. These
are slow-moving, heavy, positively
charged “alpha” particles; fast-
moving, negatively charged “beta”
particles; and highly energetic but
uncharged “gamma” radiation
(p.194). Rutherford classified these
different forms of radiation by
their penetrating power, from the
least-penetrating alpha particles,
which are blocked by thin paper,
to gamma rays that require a
thickness of lead to be stopped.
He was the first to use alpha
particles to explore the atomic
realm. He was also the first to
outline the notion of radioactive
half-life and discover that “alpha
particles” were helium nuclei—
atoms stripped of their electrons.
Ernest Rutherford Brought up in rural New Zealand,
Ernest Rutherford was working in
the fields when the letter from
J. J. Thomson arrived informing
him of a scholarship to Cambridge
University. In 1895, he was made a
research fellow at the Cavendish
Laboratories, where he conducted
experiments alongside Thomson
that led to the discovery of the
electron. In 1898, at 27 years old,
Rutherford took up a professorial
post at McGill University in
Montreal, Canada. It was there
that he carried out the work on
radioactivity that won him the
1908 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Rutherford was an accomplished
administrator, too, and during
his lifetime he headed up the
three top physics research
laboratories. In 1907, he took
the chair in physics at the
University of Manchester
where he discovered the atomic
nucleus. In 1919, he returned to
the Cavendish as director.
Key works
1902 The Cause and Nature
of Radioactivity, I & II
1909 The Nature of the α Particle
from Radioactive Substances
All science is either physics
or stamp collecting.
Ernest Rutherford