them in their orbits—they
ought to be continually emitting
electromagnetic radiation. Steadily
losing energy as they orbited, the
electrons would spiral inexorably
into the nucleus. According to
Rutherford’s model, atoms ought to
be unstable, but clearly they are not.
A quantum atom
Danish physicist Niels Bohr saved
the Rutherford model of the atom
from languishing in obscurity
by applying new ideas about
quantization to matter. The
quantum revolution had begun
in 1900 when Max Planck had
proposed the quantization of
radiation, but the field was still
in its infancy in 1913—it would
have to wait until the 1920s for a
formalized mathematical framework
of quantum mechanics. At the
time Bohr was working on
this problem, quantum theory
essentially consisted of no more
than Einstein’s notion that light
comes in tiny “quanta” (discrete
packets of energy) that we
falling out of orbit into the nucleus
was, for electrons, impossible.
Bohr’s was a purely theoretical
model of the atom. However, it
agreed with experiment and solved
many associated problems in an
elegant stroke. The way in which
electrons would have to fill up
empty shells in a strict order,
getting progressively farther from
the nucleus, matched the march
of the properties of the elements
seen across the periodic table as
atomic number increases. Even
now call photons. Bohr sought to
explain the precise pattern of
absorption and emission of light
from atoms. He suggested that
each electron is confined to fixed
orbits within atomic “shells,” and
that the energy levels of the orbits
are “quantized”—that is, they can
only take certain specific values.
In this orbital model, the
energy of any individual electron
is closely related to its proximity to
the atom’s nucleus. The closer an
electron is to the nucleus, the less
energy it has, but it can be excited
into higher energy levels by
absorbing electromagnetic
radiation of a certain wavelength.
Upon absorbing light, an electron
leaps to a “higher,” or outer, orbit.
Upon attaining this higher state,
the electron will promptly drop
back into the lower-energy orbit,
releasing a quantum of energy that
precisely matches the energy gap
between the two orbitals.
Bohr offered no explanation for
what this meant or what it might
look like—he simply stated that
If your experiment needs
statistics, you ought to have
done a better experiment.
Ernest Rutherford
The plum-pudding model of the atom
with the electrons spread across a diffuse
nucleus was replaced by Rutherford’s
model with electrons in orbit around
a small, dense nucleus. Bohr refined
Rutherford’s model by adding
quantized orbits for the electrons.
Here, a carbon atom is illustrated.
Plum-pudding model Rutherford model Bohr model
Electron Proton Neutron
6 protons +
6 neutrons