The Science Book

(Elle) #1


within a particular reference frame
is given by the equation E = mc^2.
This principle of “mass-energy
equivalence” was to become a
keystone of 20th-century science,
with applications that range from
cosmology to nuclear physics.

Gravitation fields
Although Einstein’s papers in
that annus mirabilis seemed too
obscure at first to make much
impression beyond the rarefied
world of physics, it propelled him
to fame within that community.

Over the next few years, many
scientists reached the conclusion
that special relativity offered a
better description of the universe
than the discredited ether theory,
and devised experiments that
demonstrated relativistic effects
in action. Meanwhile, Einstein
was already moving on to a new
challenge, extending the principles
that he had now established in
order to consider “noninertial”
situations—those involving
acceleration and deceleration.
As early as 1907, Einstein had
hit upon the idea that a situation
of “free fall” under the influence
of gravity is equal to an inertial
situation—the equivalence
principle. In 1911, he realized that
a stationary frame of reference
influenced by a gravitational field
is equivalent to one undergoing
constant acceleration. Einstein
illustrated this idea by imagining

a person standing in a sealed
elevator in empty space. The
elevator is being accelerated in one
direction by a rocket. The person
feels a force pushing up from the
floor, and pushes back against the
floor with equal and opposite force
following Newton’s Third Law.
Einstein realized that the person in
the elevator would feel exactly as
they would if they were standing
still in a gravitational field.
In an elevator undergoing
constant acceleration, a beam of
light fired at an angle perpendicular
to the acceleration would be
deflected onto a curved path, and
Einstein reasoned that the same
would occur in a gravitational field.
It was this effect of gravity on
light—known as gravitational
lensing—that would first
demonstrate general relativity.
Einstein considered what this
said about the nature of gravity.

If objects with mass
distort space-time,
this explains their
gravitational attraction.

Our experience of
gravity is equivalent to
that of being inside a
constantly accelerating
frame of reference.

The acceleration can
be explained by a
distortion in the
space-time manifold.

General relativity
explains gravity as
a distortion in the
space-time manifold.

According to general relativity,
mass creates a “gravitational well” in
space-time. The idea can be visualized
by representing three-dimensional space
as a two-dimensional plane. The gravitational
well of a massive object such as the Sun
causes light to be deflected onto a curved path,
altering the apparent position of distant stars to
an observer—an effect called gravitational lensing.

Real light

Apparent light

Real location
of the star


location of
the star

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