The Science Book

(Elle) #1


latter pair limited by the value of
the principal number. The fourth
number, with two possible values,
was needed to explain why two
electrons can exist in each subshell
with slightly different energy levels.
Together, the numbers neatly
explained the existence of atomic
orbitals that accept 2, 6, 10, and
14 electrons respectively.
Today, the fourth quantum
number is known as spin; it is
a particle’s intrinsic angular
momentum (which is created by
its rotation as it orbits), and has
positive or negative values that
are either whole- or half-integer
numbers. A few years later, Pauli
would demonstrate that values of
spin split all particles into two
major groups—fermions such as
electrons (with half-integer spins),
which obey a set of rules known as
Fermi–Dirac statistics (pp.246–47),
and bosons such as photons (with
zero or whole-number spin), which
obey different rules known as
Bose–Einstein statistics. Only
fermions obey the exclusion
principle, and this has important
implications for the understanding
of everything from collapsing stars
to the elementary particles that
make up the universe.

Schrödinger’s success
Combined with Pauli’s exclusion
principle, Schrödinger’s wave
equation allowed a new and deeper
understanding of the orbitals,
shells, and subshells within an
atom. Rather than imagining them
as classical orbits—well-defined
paths on which the electrons circle
the nucleus—the wave equation
shows that they are actually clouds
of probability—doughnut-shaped
and lobe-shaped regions in which
a particular electron with certain
quantum numbers is likely to be
found (p.256).

Another major success for
Schrödinger’s approach was
that it offered an explanation for
radioactive alpha decay—in which
a fully formed alpha particle
(consisting of two protons and two
neutrons) escapes from an atomic
nucleus. According to classical
physics, in order to remain intact,
the nucleus had to be surrounded
by a potential well steep enough to
prevent particles escaping from it.
(A potential well is a region in
space where the potential energy
is lower than its surroundings,
meaning that it traps particles.)
If the well was not sufficiently steep,
the nucleus would disintegrate
completely. How, then, could the
intermittent emissions seen in
alpha decay happen while allowing
the remaining nucleus to survive
intact? The wave equations
overcame the problem because
they allowed the energy of the
alpha particle within the nucleus
to vary. Most of the time, its energy
would be low enough to keep it
trapped, but occasionally it would
rise high enough to overcome the ❯❯


Erwin Schrödinger

Born in Vienna, Austria, in
1887, Erwin Schrödinger
studied physics at the
University of Vienna, attaining
an assistant’s post there
before serving in World War I.
After the war, he moved first
to Germany, and then to
the University of Zurich,
Switzerland, where he did
his most important work,
immersing himself in the
emerging field of quantum
physics. In 1927, he returned
to Germany, and succeeded
Max Planck at the Humboldt
University of Berlin.
Schrödinger was a vocal
opponent of the Nazis, and left
Germany for a post at Oxford
University in 1934. It was
there that he learned he had
been awarded the 1933 Nobel
Prize in Physics, with Paul
Dirac, for the quantum wave
equation. By 1936, he was
back in Austria, but had to flee
again following Germany’s
annexation of the country. He
settled in Ireland for the rest
of his career before retiring to
Austria in the 1950s.

Key works

1920 Color Measurement
1926 Quantization as an
Eigenvalue Problem

Schrödinger’s equation, in its most
general form, shows the development
of a quantum system over time. It
requires the use of complex numbers.


ih⎯ Ψ = Η Ψ
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