The Science Book

(Elle) #1


universe must be essentially
uniform in both time and space;
but if it originated 10–20 billion
years ago, as the Big Bang theory
suggested, and evolved throughout
its history, then distant reaches of
the universe, whose radiation had
taken billions of years to reach
Earth, should appear substantially
different. (This cosmic time
machine effect, whereby we see
more distant celestial objects as
they were in the distant past, is
known as “lookback time.”) By
measuring the number of distant
galaxies emitting radiation above
a certain brightness, it should be
possible to distinguish between
the two scenarios.
The first of the Cambridge
experiments delivered a result that
seemed to support the Big Bang.
However, problems were discovered
with the radio detectors, so the
results had to be disregarded.
Later results proved more equivocal.

Traces of the Big Bang
Fortunately, the question soon
resolved itself by other means.
As early as 1948, Alpher and his
colleague Robert Herman had
predicted that the Big Bang would
have left a residual heating effect
throughout the universe. According
to the theory, when the universe
was about 380,000 years old, it
had cooled enough to become
transparent, allowing light photons
to travel freely through space for the
first time. The photons that existed
at this time had been propagating
through space ever since, growing
longer and redder as space
expanded. In 1964, Robert Dicke

and his colleagues at Princeton
University set out to build a radio
telescope that could detect this faint
signal, which they thought would
take the form of low-energy radio
waves. However, they were
ultimately beaten to the prize by
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson,
two engineers working at the
nearby Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Penzias and Wilson had built a radio
telescope for satellite communication,
but found themselves plagued by an
unwanted background signal that
they could not eliminate. Coming
from all over the sky, it corresponded
to microwave emission from a body
at a temperature of 3.5K—just 6°F
(3.5°C) above absolute zero. When
Bell Labs contacted Dicke to ask
for help with their problem, Dicke
realized that they had found the
remnants of the Big Bang—now
known as the cosmic microwave
background radiation (CMBR).
The discovery that the CMBR
permeates the universe—a
phenomenon for which the steady
state theory had no explanation—
decided the case in favor of the Big
Bang. Subsequent measurements
have shown that the CMBR’s true
average temperature is about
2.73K, and high-precision satellite
measurements have revealed


minute variations in the signal that
allow us to study conditions in the
universe back to 380,000 years
after the Big Bang.

Later developments
Despite being proved correct in
principle, the Big Bang theory has
undergone many transformations
since the 1960s to match it to
our growing understanding of
the universe. Among the most
significant are the introduction
of dark matter and dark energy
to the story, and the addition of a
violent growth spurt in the instant
after creation, known as Inflation.
The events that triggered the Big
Bang remain beyond our reach but
measurements of the rate of cosmic
expansion, aided by instruments
such as the Hubble Space Telescope,
now allow us to pin down the epoch
of cosmic creation with great
accuracy—the universe came into
existence 13.798 billion years ago,
give or take 0.037 billion years.
Various theories exist about the
future of the universe, but many
think that it is set to continue
expanding until it reaches a state
of thermodynamic equilibrium, or
“heat death,” in which matter has
disintegrated into cold subatomic
particles, in around 10^100 years’ time. ■

Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
detected the background radiation by
accident. At first, they thought the
interference had been caused by bird
droppings on their radio antenna.

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