The Science Book

(Elle) #1


but instead of creating heavier
elements by neutron absorption,
or lighter elements by emission
of one or more nucleons (protons
or neutrons), the pair found that
the lighter element barium was
released, which had 100 fewer
nucleons than the uranium nucleus.
No nuclear process understood at
the time could account for the loss
of 100 nucleons.
Perplexed, Hahn sent a letter to
colleagues Lise Meitner and Otto
Frisch in Copenhagen. Within the
month, Meitner and Frisch had
figured out the basic mechanism
of nuclear fission, recognizing how
uranium was split into barium and
krypton, the missing nucleons were
converted into energy, and a chain
reaction could follow. In 1939,
Danish physicist Niels Bohr took
the news to the US. His account,
along with the publication of the
Meitner–Frisch paper in the journal
Nature, set the East Coast scientific
community ablaze with excitement.
Conversations between Bohr and

John Archibald Wheeler at
Princeton after the annual
Theoretical Physics Conference,
led to the Bohr–Wheeler theory
of nuclear fission.
All the atoms of the same
element have nuclei with the same
number of protons in them, but
the number of neutrons can vary,
making different isotopes of the
same element. In the case of
uranium, there are two naturally
occurring isotopes. Uranium-238
(U-238) makes up 99.3 percent of
natural uranium. Its nuclei contain

See also: Marie Curie 190–95 ■ Ernest Rutherford 206–13 ■ Albert Einstein 214–21

We knew the world would not
be the same. A few people
laughed. A few people cried.
Most people were silent. I
remembered the line from
the Hindu scripture: “Now
I am become Death, the
destroyer of worlds.”
J. Robert Oppenheimer

92 protons and 146 neutrons. The
remaining 0.7 percent is made up
of uranium-235 (U-235), whose
nuclei contain 92 protons and
143 neutrons. The Bohr–Wheeler
theory incorporated the finding that
low-energy neutrons could cause
fission in U-235, causing the atom
to split and releasing energy in
the process.
When the news reached the
West Coast, Oppenheimer, now at
Berkeley, was captivated. He gave
a series of lectures and seminars on
the brand new theory and quickly ❯❯

The nuclear fission of uranium-235
(U-235) is started when a neutron
hits a U-235 nucleus. The uranium
atom splits to form an atom of barium
(Ba), an atom of krypton (Kr), and three
more neutrons. The three neutrons can
then go on to cause fission in more
atoms, causing a chain reaction. Each
time an atom splits, energy is released.

This one
neutron starts
the chain




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