n April 1953, the answer to
a fundamental mystery about
living organisms appeared in
a short article published without
fanfare in the scientific journal,
Nature. The article explained both
how genetic instructions are held
inside organisms and how they are
passed on to the next generation.
Crucially, it described, for the
first time, the double-helix
structure of deoxyribose nucleic
acid (DNA), the molecule that
contains the genetic information.
The article was written by
James Watson, a 29-year-old
American biologist, and his
older British research colleague,
biophysicist Francis Crick. Since
1951, they had jointly been working
1869 Friedrich Miescher first
identifies DNA, in blood cells.
1920s Phoebus Levene and
others analyze the components
of DNA as sugars, phosphates,
and four types of base.
1944 Experiments show DNA
to be a carrier of genetic data.
1951 Linus Pauling proposes
the alpha-helix structure for
certain biological molecules.
1963 Frederick Sanger
develops sequencing methods
to identify bases along DNA.
1960s DNA’s code is cracked:
three DNA bases of code for
each amino acid in a protein.
2010 Craig Venter and his
team implant artificially made
DNA into a living bacterium.
So beautiful it has to be true.
James Watson
on the challenge of DNA’s structure
at the Cavendish Laboratory,
University of Cambridge, under
its director, Sir Lawrence Bragg.
DNA was the hot topic of the
day, and an understanding of its
structure seemed so tantalizingly
within reach that by the early
1950s, teams in Europe, the US,
and the Soviet Union were vying
to be the first to “crack” DNA’s
three-dimensional shape—the
elusive model that allowed DNA
simultaneously to carry genetic
data in some kind of chemically
coded form, and to replicate
itself completely and accurately,
so that the same genetic data
was passed to offspring, or
daughter cells, including those
of the next generation.
The past in DNA
The DNA molecule was not
discovered in 1953, as is often
popularly thought, nor were Crick
and Watson the first to find out what
it was made from. DNA has a much
longer history of research. In the
1880s, the German biologist Walther
Flemming had reported that “X”-like
bodies (later named chromosomes)
appeared inside cells as the cells
James Watson and
Francis Crick
James Watson (on the right) was
born in 1928 in Chicago, IL.
At the precocious age of 15 he
entered the University of Chicago.
After postgraduate study in
genetics, Watson moved to
Cambridge, England, to team
up with Francis Crick. He later
returned to the US to work at the
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in
New York. From 1988, he worked
on the Human Genome Project,
but left after a disagreement over
patenting genetic data.
Francis Crick was born in 1916
near Northampton in Britain. He
developed antisubmarine mines
during World War II. In 1947,
he went to Cambridge to study
biology and here began work
with James Watson. Later, Crick
became known for the “central
dogma”: that genetic data flow
in cells in essentially one way. In
later life, Crick turned to brain
research and developed a theory
of consciousness.
Key works
1953 Molecular Structure of
Nucleic Acids: A Structure for
Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
1968 The Double Helix