EDWARD LORENZ (1917–2008)
uch of the history of
science has been
devoted to developing
simple models that predict the
behavior of systems. Certain
phenomena in nature, such as
planetary motion, lend themselves
readily to this schema. With a
description of the initial
conditions—the mass of a planet,
its position, velocity, and so on—
future configurations can be
1687 Newton’s three laws of
motion hold that the universe
is predictable.
1880s Henri Poincaré shows
that the motion of three or
more bodies interacting
gravitationally is generally
chaotic and unpredictable.
1970s Chaos theory is used
to model traffic flow, digital
encryption, function, and in
designs for cars and aircraft.
1979 Benoît Mandelbrot
discovers the Mandelbrot set,
which shows how complex
patterns can be created using
very simple rules.
1990s Chaos theory is
thought of as a subset of
complexity science, which
seeks to explain complex
natural phenomena.
According to Newton’s
laws, the universe can
be predicted.
But no matter how
accurate our data, it is
impossible to replicate
a pool break...
Calculating the
trajectories of pool
balls after a break should
be possible if we have all
the data about the
balls and table.
These minute
uncertainties forbid us
from knowing how a
system will change.
Accurate predictions
of chaotic phenomena
are impossible.
...because the
many, tiny differences
in the initial setup will cause
the final distribution of
balls to vary wildly.