The Science Book

(Elle) #1


Greek scholars Euclid and, later,
Ptolemy believed that vision
derived from “rays” that beamed
out of the eye and bounced back
from whatever a person was looking
at. Alhazen showed, through
the observation of shadows and
reflection, that light bounces off
objects and travels in straight lines
into our eyes. Vision was a passive,
rather than an active, phenomenon,
at least until it reached the retina.

He noted that, “from each point of
every colored body, illuminated
by any light, issue light and color
along every straight line that
can be drawn from that point.”
In order to see things, we have only
to open our eyes to let in the light.
There is no need for the eye to send
out rays, even if it could.
Alhazen also found, through his
experiments with bulls’ eyes, that
light enters a small hole (the pupil)

The duty of the man
who investigates the
writings of scientists, if
learning the truth is his
goal, is to make himself an
enemy of all that he reads.


Abu Ali al-Hassan ibn al-
Haytham (known in the West as
Alhazen) was born in Basra, in
present-day Iraq, and educated
in Baghdad. As a young man he
was given a government job in
Basra, but soon became bored.
One story has it that, on hearing
about the problems resulting
from the annual flooding of
the Nile in Egypt, he wrote to
Caliph al-Hakim offering to build
a dam to regulate the deluge,
and was received with honor
in Cairo. However, when he

traveled south of the city, and
saw the sheer size of the river—
which is almost 1 mile (1.6 km)
wide at Aswan—he realized the
task was impossible with the
technology then available. To
avoid the caliph’s retribution he
feigned insanity and remained
under house arrest for 12 years.
In that time he did his most
important work.

Key works

1011–21 Book of Optics
c.1030 A Discourse on Light
c.1030 On the Light of the Moon

See also: Johannes Kepler 40–41 ■ Francis Bacon 45 ■ Christiaan Huygens 50–51 ■ Isaac Newton 62–69

and is focused by a lens onto a
sensitive surface (the retina) at
the back of the eye. However, even
though he recognized the eye as a
lens, he did not explain how the
eye or the brain forms an image.

Experiments with light
Alhazen’s monumental, seven-
volume Book of Optics set out his
theory of light and his theory of
vision. It remained the main
authority on the subject until
Newton’s Principia was published
650 years later. The book explores
the interaction of light with lenses,
and describes the phenomenon of
refraction (change in the direction)
of light—700 years before Dutch
scientist Willebrord van Roijen
Snell’s law of refraction. It also
examines the refraction of light
by the atmosphere, and describes
shadows, rainbows, and eclipses.
Optics greatly influenced later
Western scientists, including
Francis Bacon, one of the scientists
responsible for reviving Alhazen’s
scientific method during the
Renaissance in Europe. ■

Alhazen provided the first scientific
description of a camera obscura, an
optical device that projects an
upside-down image on a screen.


Light rays
travel from
the object


Image is upside down
and back to front
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