demonstration in 1654, when he put
two metal hemispheres together
with an airtight seal between them
and pumped the air out of them—
two teams of horses were unable
to pull the hemispheres apart.
Before the air was pumped out,
the air pressure inside the sealed
hemispheres was the same as the
air pressure outside. Without the air
inside, pressure from the outside
air held the hemispheres together.
Robert Boyle learned of von
Guericke’s experiments when they
were published in 1657. To do
experiments of his own, Boyle
commissioned Robert Hooke (p.54)
to design and build an air pump.
Hooke’s air pump consisted of a
glass “receiver” (container) whose
diameter was nearly 16 in (40 cm),
a cylinder with a piston below it,
and an arrangement of plugs
and valves between them.
Successive movements of the
piston drew more and more air out
of the receiver. Due to slow leaks
in the seals of the equipment, the
near-vacuum inside the receiver
could only be maintained for a
short time. Nevertheless, the
machine was a great improvement
on anything made previously, an
example of the importance of
technology to the furthering
of scientific investigation.
Experimental results
Boyle performed a number of
different experiments with the
air pump, which he described in
his 1660 book New Experiments
Physico-Mechanical. In the book,
Otto von Guericke built the first air
pump. His experiments with the pump
provided evidence against Aristotle’s
idea that “Nature abhors a vacuum.”
he was intent on pointing out that
the results described are all from
experiments, since at the time even
such noted experimentalists as
Galileo often also reported the
results of “thought experiments.”
Many of Boyle’s experiments
were directly connected to air
pressure. The receiver could be
modified to hold a Torricelli
barometer, with the tube sticking
Men are so accustomed to
judge of things by their senses
that, because the air is
indivisible, they ascribe but
little to it, and think it but
one remove from nothing.
Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle Robert Boyle was born in Ireland,
the 14th child of the Earl of Cork.
He was tutored at home before
attending Eton College in England
and then touring Europe. His
father died in 1643, leaving him
enough money to indulge his
interest in science full time. Boyle
moved back to Ireland for a couple
of years, but lived in Oxford from
1654 to 1668 so that he could do
his work more easily, and then
moved to London.
Boyle was part of a group of
men studying scientific subjects
called the “Invisible College,”
who met in London and Oxford
to discuss their ideas. This
group became the Royal Society
in 1663, and Boyle was one
of the first council members.
In addition to his interests
in science, Boyle performed
experiments in alchemy and
wrote about theology and the
origin of different human races.
Key works
1660 New Experiments
Touching the Spring of the
Air and their Effects
1661 The Sceptical Chymist