The Psychology Book

(Dana P.) #1


required through each of the stages;
assimilation, accommodation, and
equilibrium. Assimilation is the
process by which we incorporate
new information into existing
schemas. Accommodation is
required when, in the process of
assimilating, we discover that we
need to modify existing knowledge
or skills. A child who is able to
assimilate successfully most or all
new experiences is said to be in
a state of equilibrium. However,
if the existing schemas are
inadequate for coping with new
situations successfully, then the
child is in a state of cognitive
disequilibrium, and the schemas
need to develop in order to
accommodate the necessary
information. Essentially, this is the
process of adaptation, one of the
most basic forms of learning.

Impact on education
Piaget’s work inspired the
transformation of the education
systems of Europe and the US
during the 1970s and 80s, bringing
about a more child-centered

approach to teaching, in theory and
in practice. Rather than trying to
teach a child to think and behave
like an adult, educators were
encouraged to view their
work as an opportunity to engage
children in novel and individual
modes of thinking. Piaget believed
that education should inspire
people to create, invent, and
innovate, and actively discourage
them from conforming or following
established guidelines at the
expense of imagination. If the
natural process of learning—from
infancy onward—is individual,
active, and exploratory, then so too
should be a system of education
that guides children’s formal
intellectual development.
Another vitally important aspect
of a child-centered education is an
awareness of the concept of
“readiness,” which involves setting
limits on learning based on the
child’s stage of development.
One of Piaget’s most enduring
contributions to the field of
education, particularly with ❯❯

that if you pour liquid from a short,
wide glass into a tall, thin one, the
amount of liquid remains the same
despite the difference in height.
Children can also understand that
objects can be sorted according to
many qualities simultaneously—a
marble can be large, green, or clear.
A little less egocentric now, children
begin to incorporate more relativity
into their viewpoints.
During the fourth stage—the
formal operational stage—children
begin to manipulate ideas (rather
than simply objects) and are able
to reason purely on the basis of
verbal statements. They no longer
need to refer to concrete objects,
and can follow an argument. They
start to think hypothetically, and
this new capacity for imagination,
and their ability to discuss abstract
ideas, reveals that they have now
become less egocentric.

Reaching equilibrium
In addition to defining the four
stages, Piaget identified several
fundamental facets of the
developmental process that were

Educators should not insist
on a particular way of doing or
understanding something, Piaget
(pictured left) asserted, but nurture
children’s natural learning processes.

Intelligence is what you
use when you don’t know
what to do.
Jean Piaget
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