The Psychology Book

(Dana P.) #1


growth, insofar as an individual’s
language organ develops according
to early experiences. For instance,
because Chomsky grew up in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he
absorbed knowledge of that
particular English dialect and his
language organ’s structure was
tailored accordingly. The same
process occurs for everyone,
whether they have grown up in
Paris, Tokyo, or London.

Universal grammar
But where is the proof that language
acquisition is inborn rather than
learned? According to Chomsky,
the most convincing evidence for
this claim is that there are aspects
of grammar that are so intuitive
and self-evident that they need
never be discussed or learned in
order to be understood (they are
therefore part of our biological
inheritance). For instance, there
are certain constructions in the
English language that permit the
dropping of pronouns, and others
that do not. The difference between
the two is subtle, yet even by the
age of six, native English-speaking
children will use the constructions
flawlessly. This implies that certain

aspects of grammar are understood
without requiring any instruction,
and that the knowledge is therefore
innate. This is the only way to
explain how people have such a
rich grammatical understanding
and how children can use language
so creatively by the age of six.
Chomsky claims that “universal
grammar” is found worldwide, with
modifications according to people’s
native languages. It is a predefined
mechanism that acts as the basis
for the acquisition of any language.
He argues that this is demonstrated
by the way that all children are
equally able to learn any language
to which they are exposed. He says
that a common set of linguistic
features is built into the language
organ through heredity, and it
includes elements of grammar,
meaning, and speech. It is what
makes it possible for us to speak
and learn human languages, and
may make it impossible for us to
learn any language that violates
these principles.

Language device
Chomsky proposes a name for
our innate language organ: the
Language Acquisition Device


(LAD). He bases his claim for its
existence on three things: the
fact that children are born with
the capacity to formulate and
understand all kinds of sentences
despite never having heard or
learned them; that every human
language appears to have certain
universal elements; and that some
grammatical principles are
acquired by individuals regardless
of their culture or intelligence.
There is other supporting evidence
as well, including the fact that the
human vocal organs, breathing

Noam Chomsky Linguist, philosopher, cognitive
scientist, and social activist
Noam Chomsky was born in
Pennsylvania to Jewish parents.
He studied philosophy and
linguistics at the University
of Pennsylvania, where he earned
his bachelor’s, master’s, and
doctoral degrees. Chomsky joined
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in 1955, becoming an
Institute Professor in 1976.
Chomsky is widely known as
one of the fathers of modern
linguistics, but he is also a
political dissident and anarchist.
His criticisms of US foreign policy

have made him a highly
controversial figure. He has
won several honorary degrees
as well as being a recipient of
the Distinguished Scientific
Contribution Award, the
Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker
Award, and the Orwell Award.
He was married to linguist
Carol Schatz for 59 years
until her death in 2008.

Key works

1957 Syntactic Structures
1965 Cartesian Linguistics
1968 Language and Mind

We are designed
to learn languages based
upon a common set of
principles, which we may
call universal grammar.
Noam Chomsky
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