The Psychology Book

(Dana P.) #1




CORBETT H. THIGPEN (1919–1999)

HERVEY M. CLECKLEY (1903–1984)


ultiple personality
disorder (MPD, later
known as dissociative
identity disorder) is a mental
condition in which an individual’s
personality appears to present as
two or more distinct identities.
MPD was first reported in 1791 by
Eberhardt Gmelin; over the following
150 years, a further 100 clinical cases
were documented. It was believed
that the condition arose from
childhood abuse, and could be cured
by integrating the sub-personalities
back into the main personality.

One of the most famous cases of
multiple personality disorder is
that of Eve White. Eve was referred
to Thigpen and Cleckley in 1952,
suffering from severe headaches
and occasional blackouts. She was
a neat, rather prim, young woman,
aged 25, married, with a four-year-
old daughter. Eve would remain in
treatment for 14 months.
Eve described to the doctors a
disturbing episode: she had bought
some extravagant clothes she could
not afford, yet had no memory of the
purchase. As she recounted this, her


Mental disorders

1880s Pierre Janet describes
MPD as multiple states of
consciousness and coins the
term “dissociation.”

1887 French surgeon Eugene
Azam documents the multiple
personalities of Felida X.

1906 US physician Mortin
Prince reports Christine
Beauchamp’s case in The
Dissociation of Personality.

1970s US psychiatrist Cornelia
Wilbur reports Sybil Isabel
Dorsett’s case and links MPD
definitively with child abuse.

1980 The American Psychiatric
Association publishes the third
edition of the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorder, legitimating MPD.

1994 MPD is renamed
Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Eve White
Prim, reserved, timid,
repressed, compulsive. No
awareness of the other
two personalities.

Eve Black
Wayward, harsh,
irresponsible, shallow,
hysterical. Aware of Eve
White, but not of Jane.

Mature, boldly capable,
interesting, compassionate.
Aware of both Eves, but
only from the point of
her awakening.
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