The Psychology Book

(Dana P.) #1


epistemology, genetic 264
Erickson, Milton 149, 336
Ericsson, Anders 318
Erikson, Erik 46, 90, 260, 272–273
ethology 59, 77
eugenics 28, 29
evolution 16, 58
evolutionary psychology 13, 211
Existence, Rollo May 91
existential philosophy 91
existential psychology 91
existential psychotherapy 141
Existential Psychotherapy, Irvin Yalom 141
existentialism 16, 26–27
experimental psychology 17, 34–37, 48,
49, 148
Experimental Studies of the Perception of
Movement, Max Wertheimer 160
extraversion 19, 319–321
Eyewitness Testimony, Elizabeth Loftus 159,
188, 206
Eysenck, Hans J. 18, 19, 212, 302, 308, 313,
316–321, 326


facial expressions 196, 197, 235, 303
Facial Expressions of Emotion, Paul
Ekman 159
facial recognition 36
false memory syndrome 206, 207
familiarity 232–235
family therapy 146–147, 151
Faria, Abbé (Dormez) 16, 22–23
Fausto-Sterling, Anne 284
fear 68, 69, 70, 71, 325
Fear of Freedom, Erich Fromm 90
Fechner, Gustav 232, 304
feminism 284
feminist psychology 284
Festinger, Leon 159, 166–167, 244
flashbulb memories 190
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi 199, 200, 322
fluid intelligence 314, 315
forgetting 48, 49, 208, 209
Frankl, Viktor 91, 140
freedom of attitude 140
Freeman, Derek 46
Freud, Anna 90, 111 , 260, 273
Freud, Sigmund 11, 12, 17, 22, 24, 30, 46, 54,
90, 92–99, 104, 108, 111, 118, 150, 152,
174, 195, 204, 220, 272, 274, 278, 292, 309
Freudian slips 98
Frijda, Nico 303, 324–325
Frith, Uta 298
Fromm, Erich 90, 91, 124–129, 198


“g factor” 302, 303, 314
Galen, Claudius (Galen of Pergamon) 18–19,
20, 308, 319
Gallimore, Ronald 277
Galton, Charles 16
Galton, Francis 13, 28–29, 50, 51, 75, 270,
302, 304
Gardner, Howard 198
Gelman, Susan 269
gender development 290, 291
gender differences 261, 284, 285
gender studies 236 , 261
genetic epistemology 264–267
genetics 59, 83, 159
Genius 101: Creators, Leaders, and Prodigies,
Dean Keith Simonton 318
genius, nature of 318–321
genotypes 311, 312
Gergen, Kenneth 238
Gestalt movement 44
Gestalt psychology 12, 59, 72, 73, 158, 159,
160–161, 167, 220
Gestalt theory 91, 154
Gestalt therapy 114 –117, 142, 174
Gilbert, Dan 140
Gillette, Douglas 155
Glasser, William 217, 240–241
Gmelin, Eberhardt 330
Goddard, Henry H. 53
Goetzinger, Charles 233
Goffman, Erving 216, 228–229
Goldstein, Kurt 138
Goleman, Daniel 322
Good Business: Leadership, Flow and the
Making of Meaning, William Damon &
Howard Gardner 198
Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet,
William Damon & Howard Gardner 198
Goodman, Cecile 158
Goodman, Paul 91, 174
Gould, Judith 298
Green, André 339
Griffin, Donald 34
group dynamics 216, 220, 223
Guilford, Joy Paul 303, 304–305, 314, 318
Guthrie, Edwin 58, 59, 74


Haley, Jay 149
Hall, G. Stanley 17, 46–47
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D)

Hamilton, Max 154
Hamilton, V.L. 248
Hampson, Sarah 228
Hanh, Thich Nhat 210
Harlow, Harry 139, 261, 274, 277, 278 , 280
Haslam, Alex 254
Hebb, Donald 48, 76, 158, 163
Hebbian learning 163
Heckhausen, Heinz 338
Hegel, Georg 122, 238
Heidegger, Martin 141
Heider, Fritz 242
Heinroth, Oskar 77
Heisenberg, Werner 238
Helmreich, Robert 217, 236
Helplessness: On Depression, Development,
and Death, Martin Seligman 174
Herbart, Johann Friedrich 16, 24–25
Hereditary Genius, Francis Galton 16, 29
Herzberg, Frederick 322
Hess, Eckhard 77
Hilgard, Ernest R. 54, 337
Hill, Heather 294
Hippocrates 18, 30, 308, 319, 326
Hogan, Joyce 326
Hogan, Robert 326
Horney, Karen 90, 110 , 114, 126, 129, 142, 143
Hull, Clark L. 59, 240, 335
human development 29, 46–47
humanist psychoanalysis 126–129
humanistic psychology 12, 129, 136, 137,
138–139, 141, 198
humanistic psychotherapy 91
Hume, David 49
humorism 18–19, 308, 319
hypnosis 16, 17, 22–23, 30, 30, 90, 94, 224, 331
hysteria 17, 30, 90, 94


“I,” the 122–123
Ibn Sina 22
Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) 60
id 96, 111
identity crisis 46, 273
idiographic method 308, 309, 313
impression management 228–229
imprinting 59, 77
individual psychology 100–101
individualism 117
inferiority complex 100, 101
inheritance 16, 28, 59, 104, 105
inkblot (Rorschach) test 331, 335
innate (inborn),
abilities 28
behavior 75, 80
beliefs 104
insanity, and genius 318, 320, 321


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