The Psychology Book

(Dana P.) #1


another part of the mental structure,
the ego, recognizes the Reality
Principle, which says we can’t have
everything we desire, but must
take account of the world we live
in. The ego negotiates with the id,
trying to find reasonable ways to
help it get what it wants, without
resulting in damage or other
terrible consequences. The ego
itself is controlled by the
superego—the internalized voice
of parents and society’s moral
codes. The superego is a judging
force, and the source of our
conscience, guilt, and shame.
In fact, Freud proposes, the
unconscious holds a vast amount
of conflicting forces. In addition
to the drives of the life and
death forces, it encompasses the
intensity of repressed memories
and emotions, as well as the
contradictions inherent in our
views of conscious reality alongside
our repressed reality. According
to Freud, the conflict that arises
from these contrasting forces is
the psychological conflict that
underlies human suffering. Is it any

wonder that humans exist in states
of anxiety, depression, neurosis,
and other forms of discontent?

Psychoanalytical treatment
Since the unconscious remains
inaccessible, the only way the
conflicts can be recognized is
through the symptoms that are
present in the conscious. Emotional
suffering, Freud claims, is the result
of unconscious conflict. We cannot
continually fight against ourselves,
against the uprising of repressed
material, and against the force of
death, without emotional turmoil.
Freud’s unique approach to the
treatment of psychological ailments
involved working with the conflicts
that existed in the unconscious.
He sought to free the patient
from repressed memories and so
alleviate their mental pain. His
approach to treatment is called
psychoanalytic psychotherapy, or
psychoanalysis. This process is
not easy or quick. Psychoanalysis
is only performed by a therapist
trained in Freud’s specific
approach, and it is his therapy


that encourages a patient to lie on
a couch and talk. From Freud’s first
treatments, psychoanalysis has
been practiced in sessions that
can sometimes last for hours, take
place several times per week, and
continue for many years.
While unconscious thoughts
cannot be retrieved through normal
introspection, the unconscious can
communicate with the conscious in
some ways. It quietly communicates
via our preferences, the frames of
reference in which we tend to
understand things, and the symbols
that we are drawn to or create.
During analysis, the analyst
acts as a mediator, trying to allow
unspoken thoughts or unbearable
feelings to come to light. Messages
arising from a conflict between the
conscious and the unconscious are
likely to be disguised, or encoded,
and it is the psychoanalyst’s job to
interpret the messages using the
tools of psychoanalysis. ❯❯

Freud’s patients would recline on
this couch in his treatment room while
they talked. Freud would sit out of sight
while he listened for clues to the source
of the patient’s internal conflicts.

A man should not
strive to eliminate his
complexes, but to get into
accord with them; they are
legitimately what directs his
conduct in the world.
Sigmund Freud
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