The Religions Book

(ff) #1



he covenant, or contract,
with God is the central
concept of Judaism, and
dates back to the beliefs of the
Israelites, an ancient Middle
Eastern people. In fact, Jews view
themselves as bound to God by a
series of covenants. The Abrahamic
covenant was the first, specifically
singling out the Israelites as God’s
chosen people, while the later
Mosaic covenants (mediated by
Moses) renewed this initial bond.
The Israelites, sometimes
called Hebrews, were a people
who occupied part of Canaan,

The first covenant
Like many peoples in the ancient
Middle East, the Israelites were
polytheists, but worshipped a
national god, one whom they
viewed as offering their people
particular protection. Jews were
later to deem their God’s name
too holy to pronounce and did not
preserve its original vowels, so it
became known only by its four
consonants: YHWH (probably
pronounced “Yahweh”). YHWH
was also known by several other
names, including El and Elohim,
meaning God.



The Torah

c.1000–450 BCE,
the Middle East

c.1300 BCE Hittite royal treaties
provide a model for the Torah’s
description of the covenant.

200–500 CE The Mishnah and
Talmud codify the oral law, or
received body of rabbinic
learning, and are used to offer
further Biblical interpretation
and guidance on the covenant.

1948 In the aftermath of World
War II, the State of Israel is
founded, allowing Jewish
people to return to their
historical homeland.

1990 US theologian Judith
Plaskow urges Jews to
reinterpret traditional texts
that exclude women from
the covenant.

roughly equivalent to modern
Israel and Palestine, perhaps as
early as the 15th century BCE. In
around 1200 BCE, during a period
when this part of the world was
under Egyptian rule, an inscription
was carved that contains the first
mention of Israel as a people.
In the 6th century BCE, many
of the Israelites were forced into
exile in Babylonia. During this
period of exile, much of the Hebrew,
or Jewish, Bible was composed.
It sets down the history of the
Israelite people and the origin
of their religious beliefs.

God asked Abraham to leave his home and
family, and go to another land.

This promise was that as long as Abraham
and his descendants obeyed God, God
would protect his descendants and
give them the land of Canaan forever.

If he did so, God promised to reward him;
this promise became known as the covenant

“I will take you as my people,
and I will be your God.”
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