The Religions Book

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Rabbi Shulamit Ambalu MA studied at Leo Baeck College, London,
where she was ordained in 2004 and now lectures in Pastoral Care
and Rabbinic Literature.


One of the leading biblical scholars in the United States, Michael
Coogan is Director of Publications for the Harvard Semitic
Museum and Lecturer on the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible at
Harvard Divinity School. Among his many works are The Old
Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction and The
Illustrated Guide to World Religions.


Dr. Eve Levavi Feinstein is a writer, editor, and tutor in Palo Alto,
California. She holds a PhD on the Hebrew Bible from Harvard
University, and is the author of Sexual Pollution in the Hebrew Bible
as well as articles for Jewish Ideas Daily and other publications.


Rabbi Paul Freedman studied Physics at Bristol University and
Education at Cambridge. Following a career in teaching, he gained
rabbinic ordination and an MA in Hebrew and Jewish studies at
Leo Baeck College, London.


Neil Philip is the author of numerous books on mythology and
folklore, including the Dorling Kindersley Companion Guide to
Mythology (with Philip Wilkinson), The Great Mystery: Myths
of Native America, and the Penguin Book of English Folktales.
Dr. Philip studied at the universities of Oxford and London,
and is currently an independent writer and scholar.


The Rev. Dr. Andrew Stobart is a Methodist minister. He studied
Christian theology to the doctoral level at the London School of
Theology and Durham and Aberdeen universities, and has taught
and written in the areas of theology, church history, and the Bible,
contributing to Dorling Kindersley’s The Illustrated Bible.


Dr. Mel Thompson BD, M.Phil, PhD, AKC was formerly a teacher,
lecturer, and examiner in Religious Studies, and now writes on
philosophy, religion, and ethics. Author of more than 30 books,
including Understand Eastern Philosophy, he blogs on issues of
religious belief, and runs the “Philosophy and Ethics” website at


Dr. Charles Tieszen completed his doctorate at the University of
Birmingham, where he focused on medieval encounters between
Muslims and Christians. He is currently a researcher and adjunct
professor of Islamic studies, specializing in topics related to Islam,
Christian–Muslim relations, and religious freedom.


A writer and musician, Marcus Weeks studied philosophy
and worked as a teacher before embarking on a career as an
author. He has contributed to many books on the arts, popular
sciences, and ideas, including the Dorling Kindersley title
The Philosophy Book.


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