Appreciate your food
Do you eat your breakfast on the
hop, quickly down a lunchtime
Pare down any
unnecessary expenses
Just as we tend to gain a few
pounds in weight at Christmas that we
still haven’t shifted by spring, it’s easy to
take on regular payments that drain our
bank balance even though they’re not
really necessary. Time and money are
precious resources, and the by-product
of a simplified life is an increase in both.
DO IT Review your finances and make
sure your direct debits earn their right
to be there. Do you honestly need that
second car/gym membership or can
you spare the expense and walk more?
Health benefits + more cash + efficient
use of time = win, win, win!
sandwich as you flick through your
phone and swallow down dinner with
your eyes on the TV? You’re not alone,
but instead, make a promise to yourself
to try to slow down at mealtimes, and
notice and be grateful for what you’re
consuming, whether it’s a cup of tea
or a dish of pasta. They’ll seem all
the more delicious and give you a far
greater sense of pleasure.
DO IT Pause after every sip and bite.
Think about the fields where your
vegetables grew, the people who
picked them. It will make you feel
more fortunate for what you have
and help to aid your digestion too.
life tools
Create a garden
that’s just for you
We can’t all live in the mountains
or beside a rushing river, but we can
visualise the beautiful scenery and
imagine all the different sounds and
smells. Zen temples feature gardens
that are miniature versions of vast
landscapes to provide a peaceful space
for people to empty their minds and
Clear out all your
emotional baggage
As well as reducing the amount
of unwanted clutter in your home and
finances, simple living is all about
discarding mental burdens so you are
free to start afresh. This can be painful,
of course, but letting go is the way to live
with a light heart.
DO IT Have a good cry. Weeping can
release the emotional weight we’re
carrying and refresh the spirit, so we
have new energy to pick ourselves up
and start anew. w&h
you cultivate the habit (and encourage
others to do the same), it will bring an
instant degree of order to your world.
A row of neat shoes shows awareness
of where you’re going next.
enjoy the serenity and fresh air. You
can create a tranquil spot of your own,
whether it’s a corner of your garden
or balcony, or simply a window ledge.
DO IT Use pebbles, earth, water,
branches or twigs and moss to make
your own miniature garden in a
wooden box. There are no rules, just
try to be as creative as you can, so it’s
a reflection of your imagination and
something that helps you relax and feel
free to be yourself.
woman&home It’S all about you! 13