Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson

(Joyce) #1

144 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens

Table 1. Proportion of numbers denoting quantities that occur
with an approximator in BENews and FRENews
BENews FRENews
Numbers denoting quantities (tokens) 10,432 13,906
Numbers denoting quantities that occur
with an approximator (tokens) 2,218 1,707
Proportion 21.3% 12.3%

The figures included in Table 2 show that, in spite of a significant difference in the
number of tokens, the number of types of approximators is fairly similar in the
two corpora: 46 types in BENews and 54 types in FRENews. As a result, FRENews
exhibits a higher type/token ratio than the English corpus, which suggests that
the approximators used in BENews tend to be used more repeatedly than those
in FRENews.

Table 2. Approximators occurring with numbers in BENews and FRENews:
number of types and tokens and type/token ratio
Approximators BENews FRENews
Types 46 54
Tokens 2,218 1,707
Type/token ratio 2.07 3.16

One possible explanation for the greater number of tokens of combinations of
approximators and numbers in BENews is that quantity approximation involving
numbers may be expressed differently in the French corpus. FRENews may well
include more instances of round numbers with vague reading that do not co-occur
with any approximator (henceforth referred to as non-approximated round num-
bers; e.g. 10,000 people) than BENews. Verifying whether this is indeed the case is
not straightforward, however. Round numbers with vague reading are notoriously
difficult to investigate (e.g. Jansen and Pollmann 2001) because it is very challeng-
ing to determine for certain whether a number like one hundred is actually used
with precise or with vague reading. As it was not possible for us to contact the
journalists who wrote the articles included in the corpora to ask them if they used
round numbers with vague or with precise reading, our investigation of round
numbers is in fact an analysis of round numbers with potentially vague reading
(also referred to as potential round numbers in this paper). As a consequence, our
analysis can only give an indication of the possible more frequent use of round
numbers with vague reading in FRENews. Following previous studies on round
numbers with vague reading (Dehaene and Mehler 1992; Jansen and Pollmann
2001), we labelled as ‘potential round numbers’ those numbers that are multiples
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