Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson

(Joyce) #1

Recurrent word-combinations in contrast 183

combinations are, and starting from the most frequent English correspondences,
if these correspond to Norwegian combinations of the form PREP det ADJ.^8
In the following, we will focus on the two most frequent combinations found,
where one is the extended pattern i det hele tatt (lit. ‘in the whole taken’). The other
combination is i det minste (lit. ‘in the least’).
Starting with i det minste in the Norwegian originals, where the combination
occurs 20 times, we can note that it has a literal meaning in one case (i det minste
kruset, ‘in the smallest mug’), while it functions as a semantic unit the other 19
times. Of the 19 occurrences attested, it has been translated by at least 17 times.
The other translations found are at any rate and easier. In the latter case, the whole
sentence has been rewritten.

(1) “Skal du ikke i det minste skifte skjorte?” (OEL1)
“Are n’t you at least going to change your shirt?” (OEL1T)

(2) De greske tragedier, Byrons sonetter eller i det minste denne amerikaneren
T. S. Eliots Four Quartets? (FC1)
The Greek tragedies, Byron, or at any rate The Four Quartets by that American,
T. S. Eliot? (FC1T)

(3) Men i disse landene hadde man i det minste adgang til telefonavlytting. (EG2)
But there was one thing he did envy them: their easier access to wire-tapping.

Of the 27 occurrences of i det minste attested in the Norwegian translations, 21
correspond to at least in the original. The other correspondences are at the very
least (1), even if (1), a minimum of (1), least (1) and zero (Ø) correspondence (2),
i.e. there was nothing in the original that clearly corresponded to i det minste in
the translation.

Table 2. Number of occurrences of i det minste and i det hele tattt

Comb. Nor. orig. Nor. tran.

i det minste 20 27
i det hele tatt 34 51

Moving on to i det hele tatt we get a slightly different picture. The 34 occurrences in
the Norwegian originals have 12 different correspondences. The two that stand out
are at all (11) and Ø (9).^9 If we move on to see what has triggered the translation i

  1. Correspondences include both translations and sources (see Johansson 2007: 23).

  2. The others include a sentence that was not translated at all and altogether (2), in general (2),
    on the whole (2), really (2), all things considered (1), any (1), even (1), generally (1) and in fact (1).

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